Accessing sdata getting a 403 Forbidden error

I'm using Sage CRM 2018 R2. I am using some sdata calls which have been working fine until recently the calls to the sdata API are now returning a 403 Forbidden error. Does anyone know how I can go about resolving this ?

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    Here is an example of the call I am making: 
    entity: "worktypes",
    where: "wktp_caption_code eq '" + workType + "'",
    success: processRecords,
    error: processError

    The processError is getting triggered and I can see  the 403 error in Chrome devtools.

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    Have you seen what the exact call is using something like "Telerik Fiddler"?  Is you check with Postman to see whether the is problem with

    1) The why the REST call is made from within  the browser

    2) A problem with the way in which Sage CRM form the request

    3) Or truly a problem with the server itself.