Suppress Zero Values from Rectangular Pipeline Chart Style

Is there a way to supress zero values from the Rectangular pipeline style.  All stages are displayed even if there are no records assigned to that stage

This is different to the Cylindrical style which displays only stages which have records assigned

As far as I can see the only available is "Pipeline chart style" which toggles between the two.  Having looked in custom_sysparams there doesn't appear to be any relevant settings.

  • 0

    Hi Alison

    This is currently in the development backlog with a tentative fix for Sage CRM 2023 R2. 

    But a little bit of playing with themes and JavaScript may help.

    For example if you stick

    .PipeLinehidden-link {
    display: none;

    localhost/.../RedefinedStyles.css and then

    and a customer script 

    var h2Elements = document.querySelectorAll('h2.caseh2');
    for (var i = 0; i < h2Elements.length; i++) {
    if (h2Elements[i].innerText === '0') {

    This will hide all the stages that are at 'zero'.  You will need to play with this further because it won't look pretty but that will get you on the way. 

  • one thing that ive noticed on this is that it shows none when there are opps where the stage is blank - have a look in sql for the blank ones and update to a valid stage then metadata refresh and none should then no longer show