Sage CRM 7.2 Patch I Dashboard error and CRM integration with Sage 300 2014 Product Update 3


I just installed Sage CRM 7.2b and the Dashboard worked fine. I then installed the CRM integration component and CRM Patch I. Now when I access CRM the Dashboard it gives me an error and will not load. The error is " The application could not initialize. Please contact your Administrator. Exception message: '(TypeError): Unable to get property 'c' of undefined or null reference description: Unable to get property 'c' of undefined or null reference. number: - 2146823281.

Then I click ok and get the following message "Error initializing bootstrap info: 'Cannot find 'encodedCredentials in Dictionary Bootstrapinfo'

What CRM 7.2 Patch and or hotfixes have to be installed for CRM to integrate with Sage 300 V2014 Product Update 3?

Thank you very much for your help!