The Database and WorkStation are on different server, How to connect Provide X using BOI?


Hi All,

I will have to use BOI to import customers into Sage 100, Normally the Database and the Workstation are on the same machine, so it will easy to connect ProvideX using BOI and import the records.

But the problem is we have the database and workstation are on the different server, I am not able to connect provideX using BOI to import the records, Here is how I connect to the provideX. 

pvx = System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("ProvideX.Script",true));

pvx.GetType().InvokeMember("Init", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, pvx, new object[] { ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SagePath"].ToString() });

If anyone has any idea how to solve this, please reply me, if any hint that will solve the issue/
