Error printing crystal report when executing script from the server

I have a button script that I am using to preview a custom crystal report from the IM Item Transaction screen. Everything works fine when I run it on my Sage 100 Standard environment, but when I put it on the clients Sage 100 Advanced system I get an error message stating "Preview cannot be called white suppress ui is set". The error occurs on the line "Report.Preview()"

The button script is set up to be executed on the server in custom office.

If I run the clients system in Mas90 mode the report will print successfully.

It feels like the issue is that the system is trying to call the Sage100ERP.Reporting.Report object from the server when it is designed to be called by the client - but since I cannot access the oSession object from the client on an Advanced install Im at an impasse.

Has anyone run across this and know of a solution?

My script is below.

sParamEntryNo = ""
sParamTranType = ""

r = oBusObj.GetValue("EntryNo$",sParamEntryNo)
r = oBusObj.GetValue("TransactionType$", sParamTranType)

selectionStatement = "{IM_TransactionHeader.EntryNo} = " + chr(34) + sParamEntryNo + chr(34) + " and {IM_TransactionDetail.TransactionType} = " + chr(34) + sParamTranType + chr(34)

m90Path = "C:\Sage\Sage 2018\MAS90"
Set Report = CreateObject("Sage100ERP.Reporting.Report")

connectionString = "DSN=SOTAMAS90;UID=***;PWD=***;Company=ABC"

Report.recordselectionformula = selectionStatement
Report.SetConnection connectionString