Error: 0 in Method SETKEYVALUE

Hi Forum,

I am getting an error 0 in Method SETKEYVALUE trying to set the key for Sales Order Lines.

Below is the code i have.  I can read the key of the Sales Order Header but i cannot read the Lines.

'Get Sales Order Header

retVal = o.nSetKeyValue("SalesOrderNo$", strOrderNo)
retHdrKey = o.nFind(strOrderNo)

If retHdrKey = 0 Then
MsgBox(o.sLastErrorMsg & strOrderNo & vbCRLF & "SO Header")
End If

r = o.nGetValue("ARDivisionNo$", sDiv)
r = o.nGetValue("CustomerNo$", CustNo)
r = o.nGetValue("CustomerPONo$", strcustPO)

msgbox "SO #: " & strOrderNo & " Customer #: " & CustNo

'Get Sales Order Detail
retVal = 0
retVal = o.oLines.nSetKeyValue("SalesOrderNo$", strOrderNo) *** here is where i get the error.
retVal = o.oLines.nSetKeyValue("LineKey$", sLine_Key)
retKey = o.oLines.nFind()

If retKey = 0 Then
MsgBox(o.sLastErrorMsg & vbCRLF & "SO Detail")
msgbox "Found SO : " & strOrderNo
End If

I cannot figure out what is wrong.  I copied this code from another script that is working.

What am I missing ?

Any suggestions ?



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