PO Clearing Table

Hello not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but I'm looking to see if there is a table that hold records for the Purchases Clearing report.. 

  • Yes, it's "PO_PurchasesClearingWrk" but it holds them only as long as one keeps the report in Preview unless one were to copy the temporary "session" file and replace the "template" file (or automate the process for building reports - say in Excel Power Query Grin) See this link -> Session Files

  • in reply to connex

    Raw data is from PO_PurchaseOrderHeader and PO_PurchaseOrderDetail.

    There is a new "from history" version of the report, but I haven't taken a look at how that works yet... (probably looking at receipt history too).

  • in reply to connex

    Raw data is from PO_PurchaseOrderHeader and PO_PurchaseOrderDetail.

    There is a new "from history" version of the report, but I haven't taken a look at how that works yet... (probably looking at receipt history too).

No Data