"You cannot set key column "ItemCode$" while in edit state" getting this error when sending item code as "/newitem" of charge type miscellaneous item


I am getting this error when trying to add miscellaneous item of charge type for sales order in sage100c 2021

int TaskID = (int)oSS.InvokeMethod("nLookupTask", "CI_ItemCode_UI");
oSS.InvokeMethod("nSetProgram", TaskID);
using (DispatchObject oCIItemCode = new DispatchObject(pvx.InvokeMethod("NewObject", "CI_ItemCode_bus", oSS.GetObject())))

   retVal = oCIItemCode.InvokeMethod("nSetKey", "/naato");

 retVal = oCIItemCode.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", new object[] { "ItemCode$", "/cream" });   // here i am getting the error "You cannot set key column ItemCode$ while in edit state."
if (retVal.ToString() == "0")
object errorMsg = oCIItemCode.GetProperty("sLastErrorMsg");
retVal = oCIItemCode.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", new object[] { "ItemCodeDesc$", /cream });   //if i'll put the same value here then it is creating successfully
if (retVal.ToString() == "0") 
object errorMsg = oCIItemCode.GetProperty("sLastErrorMsg");
isInvalidItem = true;
retVal = oCIItemCode.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", new object[] { "ItemType$", "3" });              //creating charge item type
retVal = oCIItemCode.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", new object[] { "SalesAcctKey$", incomeAccount, "kACCOUNT" });
if (retVal.ToString() == "0")
object errorMsg = oCIItemCode.GetProperty("sLastErrorMsg");
Service1.WriteToLogFile("Error :- Wrong account mapped for sales income " + incomeAccount + " " + errorMsg.ToString());

retVal = oCIItemCode.InvokeMethod("nWrite");
if (retVal.ToString() == "0")
object errorMsg = oCIItemCode.GetProperty("sLastErrorMsg");
Service1.WriteToLogFile("Error while creating item :- " + errorMsg.ToString());

Service1.WriteToLogFile("Item Created successfully ");

but when i am putting the same value "/naato" in  "ItemCodeDesc$" field then it is working fine
can anyone help me out what is the reason of this and how i can fix this ?

Thank You

  • +1
    verified answer

    The primary key for CI_Item is the ItemCode$ field, so using SetKey on it is already setting the ItemCode$ which is why the business object prevents you from setting it to something else.  Also, you should be using uppercase values for the key fields.  Also, I think your description should be more descriptive rather than repeating the same value used as the item code.

  • +1
    verified answer

    The primary key for CI_Item is the ItemCode$ field, so using SetKey on it is already setting the ItemCode$ which is why the business object prevents you from setting it to something else.  Also, you should be using uppercase values for the key fields.  Also, I think your description should be more descriptive rather than repeating the same value used as the item code.
