Forcing Price override for SO_Invoice Line


I'm currently trying to integrate SO_Invoice using BOI and needing to override pricing on the line item,

below is snippet of the code on the line level

 retVal = oSOInvoice.oLines.nAddLine()
 retVal = oSOInvoice.oLines.nSetValue("ItemCode$", "XX")
 retVal = oSOInvoice.oLines.nSetValue("ItemType$", "1")
 retVal = oSOInvoice.oLines.nSetValue("ItemCodeDesc$", "TestItem1")
 retVal = oSOInvoice.oLines.nSetValue("WarehouseCode$", "200")
 retVal = oSOInvoice.oLines.nSetValue("PriceOverridden$", "Y")
 retVal = oSOInvoice.oLines.nSetValue("UnitPrice", 0.00000)
 retVal = oSOInvoice.oLines.nSetValue("TaxClass$", "NT")
 retVal = oSOInvoice.oLines.nSetValue("QuantityOrdered", 1.00000)
 retVal = oSOInvoice.oLines.nSetValue("QuantityShipped", 1.00000)
 retVal = oSOInvoice.oLines.nWrite()

The result in Sage is still showing original price of this item. Is there any other setting that needs to be done or any parameter I need to set via BOI?

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    Question related to this matter if you know the answer 

    What element is necessary to "link" the invoice line items to the original sales order? it seems like with the data i was sending, it created the invoice with the correct items but on the sales order history it shows as if the line items are doubled like I'm sending new lines instead of invoicing the original one from SO.
