Printing a Crystal Report via Script without Previewing

I am able to open and preview a report via scripting using the SY_ReportEngine.  I need to streamline the experience for the end user and just print the report without Previewing it.

I am Trying to use the Printout Method but can't get the syntax correct.  I might need to also set the printer options first with the SelectPrinter method  but am unsure.  Does anyone have some sample code to do this via VBA.  I am doing it all External of sage if that matters.  I want to click  a button in access and run the report.

Here is a snippet of the code Im using.

nReport_Rpt = 0: nReport_Rpt = oSS.nNewObject("SY_ReportEngine")
    If nReport_Rpt > 0 Then
        Set oReport_Rpt = oSS.oGetObject("SY_ReportEngine")
        ' Make sure your report has been converted to the correct level or else the report engine will not open it.
        If oReport_Rpt.nOpenReport(sReportPath) = 1 Then
            oReport_Rpt.nSetReportTitle sReportTitle
            oReport_Rpt.nSetPreviewOptions sReportTitle
            If oReport_Rpt.nDatabaseLogon() = 1 Then
                oFormula = "TST-LPS192-95UVCAEFLESH"
                oLotNumber = "I23-98765" 
                oTotalRequired = "123456" 
                oSelectionFormula = "not ({BM_BillDetail.ComponentItemCode} startswith [" & """SALES-""" & "," & """TECH""" & "," & """Z-""" & "]) and ({BM_BillHeader.BillNo} = " & """" & oFormula & """" & ")"
                oReport_Rpt.nSetSelectionFormula (oSelectionFormula)
                oReport_Rpt.nSetFormula "LotNumber", """" & oLotNumber & """" ' Use this to set the value of the formula name specified in the first argument. You must respect the syntax specified in the formula in the report.
                oReport_Rpt.nSetFormula "TotalRequired", oTotalRequired ' Use this to set the value of the formula name specified in the first argument. You must respect the syntax specified in the formula in the report.
                'oReport_Rpt.nPrintOut "True" 'Not Working.  Unsure what to do
            End if
        End If
    End If    

Any help on correct systax to output the report direct to printer is appreciated.