PO Receipt of Goods - Set OriginalOrderQty on existing item

As a follow-up/refinement to my previous question, I am wondering how to set the OriginalOrderQty on a line on a Receipt of Goods that I have entered by hand. In an effort to isolate my issue, I have created this PO (here) and this Receipt of Goods (here) from the GUI. I am able to set an ordered amount on the "DOCK" line from the GUI by double clicking in the Ordered column and entering a value.

I am trying to use the code below to set the OriginalOrderQty programmatically. The code gives no error messages, but nothing changes. Is this feature not available form the BOI? Do I need to validate or commit the row somehow for it to allow me to make changes? Does anyone have links to code examples or documentation that I can leverage?

string retValue = string.Empty;
int r;
object[] receiptNo = new object[] { string.Empty };

using (DispatchObject oScript = new DispatchObject("ProvideX.Script", _sys_ss.SageServer)) {
	oScript.InvokeMethod("Init", _sys_ss.SageInstall);
	using (DispatchObject oSession = new DispatchObject(oScript.InvokeMethod("NewObject", "SY_Session"))) {
		if ((int)oSession.InvokeMethod("nSetUser", _sys_ss.UserLogon, _sys_ss.Password) == 1) {
			if ((int)oSession.InvokeMethod("nSetCompany", _sys_ss.CompanyCode) == 1) {
				r = (int)oSession.InvokeMethod("nSetModule", "P/O");
				r = (int)oSession.InvokeMethod("nSetDate", "P/O", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
				int TaskID = (int)oSession.InvokeMethod("nLookupTask", "PO_ReceiptOfGoods_UI");
				if (TaskID != 0) {
					oSession.InvokeMethod("nSetProgram", TaskID);
					DispatchObject oBusObj = new DispatchObject(oScript.InvokeMethod("NewObject", "PO_Receipt_BUS", oSession.GetObject()));

					r = (int)oBusObj.InvokeMethod("nSelectBatch", "00611");
					r = (int)oBusObj.InvokeMethod("nSetKeyValue", "ReceiptType$", "G");
					r = (int)oBusObj.InvokeMethod("nSetKeyValue", "ReceiptNo$", "003487");
					r = (int)oBusObj.InvokeMethod("nSetKey");

					using (DispatchObject oLines = new DispatchObject(oBusObj.GetProperty("oLines"))) {

						#region Existing items
						r = (int)oLines.InvokeMethod("nMoveFirst");
						while ((int)oLines.InvokeMethod("nEOF") != 1) {
							object[] parameters = new object[] { "ItemCode$", "" };
							r = (int)oLines.InvokeMethodByRef("nGetValue", parameters);
							string itemCode = (string)parameters[1];
							if (itemCode == "DOCK") {
								r = (int)oLines.InvokeMethod("nSetValue", "OriginalOrderQty", 6);
								r = (int)oLines.InvokeMethod("nWrite");
							r = (int)oLines.InvokeMethod("nMoveNext");

						r = (int)oBusObj.InvokeMethod("nWrite");

				} else
					retValue = $"Invalid UI";
			} else
				retValue = "Invalid Company";
		} else
			retValue = "Invalid User Logon or Password";