Script access to SO_PackageTrackingByItem from SO_InvoiceDetail script


I need to access values in a UDF added to Item Packaging Maintenance (Shipping Data Entry), from a header or detail script, but I can't figure out how to open that object.

Trying the command Window to list methods / properties for the Lines object from Shipping data entry, I can't see anything that would take me to the Package contents.  (Distribution is for tier quantities, not package quantities).

The header object has a method for CheckItemPackageQuantity (which won't work since I need access to package UDF data), but nothing that I could see for accessing the package contents directly.

I'd assume it is something like this...

set oPackage = oSession.AsObject(oHeaderObj.Package)

...but that is just a wild guess that doesn't work.

I know I'll need a loop (since the primary key on SO_PackageTrackingByItem doesn't link from an invoice linekey...) which I am fine with, but I need access to the data first. 

Opening a new object to SO_PackageTrackingByItem_bus won't work because I need access to unsaved data entry.

TIA for any assistance.