Trying to use BOI to create PO, issue with Vendor Number



I am trying to use the following:

 retVAL = oPOOrder.nSetKeyValue("PurchaseOrderNo$", sPONumber)
        retVAL = oPOOrder.nSetKey()
        retVAL = oPOOrder.nSetValue("PurchaseOrderDate$", "20140529")
        retVAL = oPOOrder.nSetValue("OrderType$", "S")
        retVAL = oPOOrder.nSetValue("VendorNo$", "TRENTNY")
        If retVAL = 0 Then
            MsgBox("Set Vendor Failed - " & oPOOrder.sLastErrorMsg)
        End If
        retVAL = oPOOrder.nSetValue("TaxSchedule$", "NONTAX")

The error is telling me that the vendor is not on file. However I am using a valid VendorNo in my application. The other fields return a 1 so it looks like I have everything else set up right, I am just missing something with the VendorNo itself. Any suggestions? Thanks