C# PO Write Fails BOI


First, thanks in advance for taking a look at this.  I'm looking at doing PO creation from C# and have been able to connect, get the next PO number etc., but everytime I try to finalize the PO, such as call the "nWrite" command, it always fails.  Any insight into what could be happening?  Below is my code.

using (DispatchObject poObject = new DispatchObject(pvx.InvokeMethod("NewObject", "PO_PurchaseOrder_bus", oSS.GetObject())))
string poNumber = "";
//int test1 = (int)poObject.InvokeMethod("nGetNextPurchaseOrderNo");
object[] poPass = new object[] {poNumber};
successCheck((int)poObject.InvokeMethodByRef("nGetNextPurchaseOrderNo", poPass), "GetNextPurchaseOrder");

//this was just to see what the PO number was coming back.
poNumber = poPass[0].ToString();

//we continue
successCheck((int) poObject.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetKey", poPass), "SetKey");
object[] divisionNoObject = new object[] {"APDivisionNo$", "00"};
successCheck((int) poObject.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", divisionNoObject), "SetDivisionNo");
object[] vendorObject = new object[] { "VendorNo$", "0006630" };
successCheck((int)poObject.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", vendorObject), "SetVendorNo");
object[] taxObject = new object[] { "TaxSchedule$", "NONTAX" };
successCheck((int)poObject.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", taxObject), "SetTaxSchedule");

DispatchObject poLines = new DispatchObject(poObject.GetProperty("oLines"));
successCheck((int)poLines.InvokeMethod("nAddLine"), "AddLine");
object[] firstLine = new object[] { "ItemCode$", "/1." };
successCheck((int)poLines.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", firstLine), "PoLineItemCode");
firstLine[0] = "QuantityOrdered";
firstLine[1] = "1";
successCheck((int)poLines.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", firstLine), "PoLineQuantityOrdered");
successCheck((int)poLines.InvokeMethod("nWrite"), "PoLinesWrite");
successCheck((int) poObject.InvokeMethod("nWrite"), "Write");

MessageBox.Show("SUCCESS! " + poNumber.ToString());

catch (Exception ex)


And below is my successCheck method to see what fails.

public void successCheck(int checkValue, string call)
if (checkValue == 0)
MessageBox.Show("Error! " + call);



Parents Reply Children
  • 0 in reply to gpierce

    in that solutions you insert a po did you insert a receipt of good agains po?

  • 0 in reply to yoandy valdes

    Yes, I am able to insert a receipt of goods against a PO.  Below is what we are using.  There will be stuff that is specific to us, but hopefully it helps.

    using (DispatchObject pvx = new DispatchObject("ProvideX.Script"))
    // Replace the text "*PATH TO MAS90\HOME*" with the correct MAS90\Home path in the line below
    pvx.InvokeMethod("Init", @"***************");

    using (DispatchObject oSS = new DispatchObject(pvx.InvokeMethod("NewObject", "SY_Session")))
    int test = (int)oSS.InvokeMethod("nlogon");
    if (test == 0)
    test = (int)oSS.InvokeMethod("nSetUser", "****", "****");

    if (test == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(oSS.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error logging in.");

    oSS.InvokeMethod("nSetCompany", "***");
    oSS.InvokeMethod("nSetDate", "P/O", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
    oSS.InvokeMethod("nSetModule", "P/O");

    int TaskID = (int)oSS.InvokeMethod("nLookupTask", "PO_ReceiptofGoods_UI");
    int setProgramTest = (int)oSS.InvokeMethod("nSetProgram", TaskID);

    //we create two lists to store the line keys and quantities in.
    ArrayList lineKeyList = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList quantityList = new ArrayList();

    using (DispatchObject poObject = new DispatchObject(pvx.InvokeMethod("NewObject", "PO_Receipt_bus", oSS.GetObject())))
    string nextReceiptNo = "";
    object[] nextReceiptObj = new object[] { nextReceiptNo };
    int getNextReceiptTest = (int)poObject.InvokeMethodByRef("nGetNextReceiptNo", nextReceiptObj);
    if (getNextReceiptTest == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poObject.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error getting the next receipt.");

    object[] passedObject = new object[] { "", "" };
    passedObject[0] = "receiptNo$";
    passedObject[1] = nextReceiptObj[0];
    receiptNumber = nextReceiptObj[0].ToString();
    int setReceiptNo = (int)poObject.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetKeyValue", passedObject);
    if (setReceiptNo == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poObject.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error setting a key value");
    passedObject[0] = "ReceiptType$";
    passedObject[1] = "G";
    int setReceiptType = (int)poObject.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetKeyValue", passedObject);
    if (setReceiptType == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poObject.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error setting the receipt type.");

    passedObject[0] = "VendorNo$";
    passedObject[1] = VendorNoHiddenField.Value.ToString();

    if (VendorNoHiddenField.ToString().Equals(""))
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poObject.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Vendor number hidden field is empty");

    object[] batchObj = new object[] { BatchesComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() };
    int selectBatchTest = (int)poObject.InvokeMethodByRef("nSelectBatch", batchObj);
    if (selectBatchTest == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poObject.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error in setting the batch.");
    int setKeyTest = (int)poObject.InvokeMethod("nSetKey");
    if (setKeyTest == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poObject.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error setting the key.");

    passedObject[0] = "PurchaseOrderNo$";
    passedObject[1] = PONumberTB.Text;
    int setPoNumber = (int)poObject.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", passedObject);
    if (setPoNumber == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poObject.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error setting the PoNumber value.");
    passedObject[0] = "InvoiceNo$";
    passedObject[1] = InvoiceTextBox.Text;
    int setInvoiceNo = (int)poObject.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", passedObject);
    if (setInvoiceNo == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poObject.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error setting the Invoice No. value.");

    passedObject[0] = "InvoiceDate$";
    DateTime invoiceDateTime = (DateTime)InvoiceDatePicker.Value;
    string modifiedInvoiceDate = invoiceDateTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd");

    passedObject[1] = modifiedInvoiceDate;
    int setInvoiceDate = (int)poObject.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", passedObject);
    if (setInvoiceDate == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poObject.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error setting the Invoice Date value.");

    passedObject[0] = "Comment$";
    if (CheckCommentsTB.Text.Length > 30)
    passedObject[1] = CheckCommentsTB.Text.Substring(0, 30);
    passedObject[1] = CheckCommentsTB.Text;

    int setComments = (int)poObject.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", passedObject);
    if (setComments == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poObject.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error setting the check comments.");

    using (DispatchObject poLines = new DispatchObject(poObject.GetProperty("oLines")))
    //we first query the database to get all the line keys and quantitys.
    if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
    con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=*****;Initial Catalog=****;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False";
    string getRequisitionItemsQuery = "Select * From RequisitionItem Where RequisitionNumber Like '" + RequisitionNumberLabel.Text + "';";
    SqlCommand getReqItemsCmd = new SqlCommand(getRequisitionItemsQuery, con);
    SqlDataReader getReqItemsDr = getReqItemsCmd.ExecuteReader();

    while (getReqItemsDr.Read())
    if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open)

    passedObject[0] = PONumberTB.Text;
    //the "1" value on the next line indicates copy all the lines and quantities. essentially complete the order.
    passedObject[1] = 1;
    int copyPOLinesTest = (int)poLines.InvokeMethodByRef("nCopyPurchaseOrderLines", passedObject);
    if (copyPOLinesTest == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poLines.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error in copying the po lines.");

    int moveFirstTest = (int)poLines.InvokeMethod("nMoveFirst");
    if (moveFirstTest == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poLines.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error moving to the first line.");
    string orderLineKeyString = "";
    object[] lineKeyObject = new object[] { "OrderLineKey$", orderLineKeyString };
    int getValueTest = (int)poLines.InvokeMethodByRef("nGetValue", lineKeyObject);
    if (getValueTest == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poLines.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error getting the first line key value.");
    orderLineKeyString = lineKeyObject[1].ToString();

    //now that we've got the lineKey value from above, we need to find the quantity that we want to receive at this point
    double quantity = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < lineKeyList.Count; i++)
    //if we've found the line key we are looking for
    if (orderLineKeyString.Equals(lineKeyList[i].ToString()))
    //set the quantity to the corresponding value in the quantity list
    quantity = double.Parse(quantityList[i].ToString());
    //get out of the for loop

    passedObject[0] = "QuantityReceived";
    passedObject[1] = quantity;
    double quantityOrdered = 0.0;
    object[] quantityOrderedObject = new object[] { "QuantityOrdered", quantityOrdered };
    int gettingQuantityOrderedTest = (int)poLines.InvokeMethodByRef("nGetValue", quantityOrderedObject);
    if (gettingQuantityOrderedTest == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poLines.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error getting the quantity ordered.");
    quantityOrdered = double.Parse(quantityOrderedObject[1].ToString());

    int setQuantityReceivedTest2 = (int)poLines.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", passedObject);
    if (setQuantityReceivedTest2 == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poLines.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error setting the quantity received for the first line..");

    int writeFirstLineTest = (int)poLines.InvokeMethod("nWrite");
    if (writeFirstLineTest == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poLines.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error writing the first line.");

    int moveNextLineTest = (int)poLines.InvokeMethod("nMoveNext");
    if (moveNextLineTest == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poLines.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error moving to the next line after writing the first.");
    int getValueTest2 = (int)poLines.InvokeMethodByRef("nGetValue", lineKeyObject);
    if (getValueTest2 == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poLines.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error getting the value when moving to the second line.");
    string nextLineKey = orderLineKeyString;

    if (!nextLineKey.Equals(lineKeyObject[1].ToString()))
    while (!nextLineKey.Equals(lineKeyObject[1].ToString()))
    nextLineKey = lineKeyObject[1].ToString();
    passedObject[0] = "QuantityReceived";
    //find the quantity associated with that line key
    for (int i = 0; i < lineKeyList.Count; i++)
    //again, if we've found the line key we are looking for
    if (nextLineKey.Equals(lineKeyList[i].ToString()))
    //set the appropriate quantity value
    quantity = double.Parse(quantityList[i].ToString());
    //get out of the for loop for now

    passedObject[1] = quantity;
    double quantityOrdered2 = 0.0;
    object[] quantityOrderedObject2 = new object[] { "QuantityOrdered", quantityOrdered2 };
    int gettingQuantityOrderedTest2 = (int)poLines.InvokeMethodByRef("nGetValue", quantityOrderedObject2);
    if (gettingQuantityOrderedTest2 == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poLines.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error getting the quantity ordered.");
    quantityOrdered2 = double.Parse(quantityOrderedObject[1].ToString());

    int setQuantityReceivedTest1 = (int)poLines.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", passedObject);
    if (setQuantityReceivedTest1 == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poLines.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error setting the quantity received.");

    int writeLineTest = (int)poLines.InvokeMethod("nWrite");
    if (writeLineTest == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poLines.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error in writing the po line.");
    int moveNextLineTest2 = (int)poLines.InvokeMethod("nMoveNext");
    if (moveNextLineTest2 == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poLines.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error in moving to the next line.");
    int getValueTest3 = (int)poLines.InvokeMethodByRef("nGetValue", lineKeyObject);
    if (getValueTest3 == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poLines.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error getting the next line key value.");

    int writeLineTest2 = (int)poLines.InvokeMethod("nWrite");
    if (writeLineTest2 == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poLines.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error writing the po line.");

    int writePOObjectTest = (int)poObject.InvokeMethod("nWrite");
    if (writePOObjectTest == 0)
    errorMessage = Regex.Replace(poObject.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg").ToString(), "'", "");
    throw new System.Exception("Error writing the PO Object.");

    catch (Exception ex)


    catch (Exception ex)


  • 0 in reply to gpierce

    thank's ill try to find a solutions in you code buddy really thank's

  • +1 in reply to gpierce
    verified answer

    BRO!!! Thanks man It works like a charm of course i change some thinks here am gonna paste my code for any who needed

    using (DispatchObject pvx = new DispatchObject("ProvideX.Script"))
    // Replace the text "*PATH TO MAS90\HOME*" with the correct MAS90\Home path in the line below
    pvx.InvokeMethod("Init", mas90);
    // Instantiate a new Session object and initialize the session
    // by setting the user, company, date and module
    using (DispatchObject oSS = new DispatchObject(pvx.InvokeMethod("NewObject", "SY_Session")))
    oSS.InvokeMethod("nSetUser", new object[] { username, password });
    oSS.InvokeMethod("nSetCompany", new object[] { companyCode });
    string date = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
    oSS.InvokeMethod("nSetDate", "P/O", date);
    oSS.InvokeMethod("nSetModule", "P/O");
    // Get the Task ID for the AR_Customer_ui program
    int TaskID = (int)oSS.InvokeMethod("nLookupTask", "PO_ReceiptofGoods_ui"); // int TaskID = (int)oSS.InvokeMethod("nLookupTask", "PO_ReceiptofGoods_ui");
    var error2 = (string)oSS.InvokeMethod("sLastErrorMsg", null);
    Logger.Log("verificando si hay error en el PO_ReceiptofGoods_ui " + error2);
    oSS.InvokeMethod("nSetProgram", TaskID);
    using (DispatchObject PO_order = new DispatchObject(pvx.InvokeMethod("NewObject", "PO_Receipt_bus", oSS.GetObject())))
    string nextReceiptNo = "";
    object[] nextReceiptObj = new object[] { nextReceiptNo };
    int getNextReceiptTest = (int)PO_order.InvokeMethodByRef("nGetNextReceiptNo", nextReceiptObj);
    if (getNextReceiptTest == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error getting the next receipt.");

    var p = Convert.ToInt32(PO_order.GetProperty("nBatchEnabled"));
    if (p > 0)
    Logger.Log("Batch Enabled");
    object[] batchName = new object[] { "" };
    letter = "L";
    string num = "";
    num = letter + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString();
    string BatchPrivateField = "N";
    string BatchComment = "LaceupInvoices";
    object[] batchNoObject = new object[] { num, BatchPrivateField, BatchComment };
    PO_order.InvokeMethodByRef("nSelectNewBatch", batchNoObject);
    PO_order.InvokeMethod("nSetValue", batchNoObject);
    PO_order.InvokeMethod("nSetValue", "BatchNo$", batchNoObject[0].ToString());

    object[] passedObject = new object[] { "", "" };
    passedObject[0] = "receiptNo$";
    passedObject[1] = nextReceiptObj[0];
    var receiptNumber = nextReceiptObj[0].ToString();
    int setReceiptNo = (int)PO_order.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetKeyValue", passedObject);
    if (setReceiptNo == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error setting a key value");

    passedObject[0] = "ReceiptType$";
    passedObject[1] = "G";
    int setReceiptType = (int)PO_order.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetKeyValue", passedObject);
    if (setReceiptType == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error setting the receipt type.");

    int setKeyTest = (int)PO_order.InvokeMethod("nSetKey");
    if (setKeyTest == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error setting the key.");

    passedObject[0] = "PurchaseOrderNo$";
    passedObject[1] = order.PoNumber;
    int setPoNumber = (int)PO_order.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", passedObject);
    if (setPoNumber == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error setting the PoNumber value.");
    passedObject[0] = "InvoiceNo$";
    passedObject[1] = "";
    int setInvoiceNo = (int)PO_order.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", passedObject);
    if (setInvoiceNo == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error setting the Invoice No. value.");

    passedObject[0] = "InvoiceDate$";
    passedObject[1] = date;
    int setInvoiceDate = (int)PO_order.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", passedObject);
    if (setInvoiceDate == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error setting the Invoice Date value.");

    passedObject[0] = "Comment$";
    if (order.Comments.Length > 30)
    passedObject[1] = order.Comments.Substring(0, 30);
    passedObject[1] = order.Comments;

    int setComments = (int)PO_order.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", passedObject);
    if (setComments == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error setting the check comments.");

    using (DispatchObject poLines = new DispatchObject(PO_order.GetProperty("oLines")))
    passedObject[0] = order.PoNumber;
    //the "1" value on the next line indicates copy all the lines and quantities. essentially complete the order.
    passedObject[1] = 1;
    int copyPOLinesTest = (int)poLines.InvokeMethodByRef("nCopyPurchaseOrderLines", passedObject);
    if (copyPOLinesTest == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error in copying the po lines.");

    int moveFirstTest = (int)poLines.InvokeMethod("nMoveFirst");
    if (moveFirstTest == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error moving to the first line.");
    foreach (var detail in order.PoDetails)
    string orderLineKeyString = "";
    object[] lineKeyObject = new object[] { "OrderLineKey$", orderLineKeyString };
    int getValueTest = (int)poLines.InvokeMethodByRef("nGetValue", lineKeyObject);
    if (getValueTest == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error getting the first line key value.");

    orderLineKeyString = lineKeyObject[1].ToString();

    //now that we've got the lineKey value from above, we need to find the quantity that we want to receive at this point
    double quantity = 0.0;
    foreach (var tempdetail in order.PoDetails)
    var parts = tempdetail.OriginalId.Split(new char[] { '-' });
    //if we've found the line key we are looking for
    if (orderLineKeyString.Equals(parts[1]))
    //set the quantity to the corresponding value in the quantity list
    quantity = detail.QtyReceived;
    //get out of the for loop

    passedObject[0] = "QuantityReceived";
    passedObject[1] = quantity;
    double quantityOrdered = 0.0;
    object[] quantityOrderedObject = new object[] { "QuantityOrdered", quantityOrdered };
    int gettingQuantityOrderedTest = (int)poLines.InvokeMethodByRef("nGetValue", quantityOrderedObject);
    if (gettingQuantityOrderedTest == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error getting the quantity ordered.");
    quantityOrdered = double.Parse(quantityOrderedObject[1].ToString());

    int setQuantityReceivedTest2 = (int)poLines.InvokeMethodByRef("nSetValue", passedObject);
    if (setQuantityReceivedTest2 == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error setting the quantity received for the first line.");

    int writeFirstLineTest = (int)poLines.InvokeMethod("nWrite");
    if (writeFirstLineTest == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error writing the first line.");

    int moveNextLineTest = (int)poLines.InvokeMethod("nMoveNext");
    if (moveNextLineTest == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error moving to the next line after writing the first.");

    int writePOObjectTest = (int)PO_order.InvokeMethod("nWrite");
    if (writePOObjectTest == 0)
    Logger.Log("Error writing the PO Object.");


    catch (Exception ex)

    catch (Exception ex)

  • 0 in reply to yoandy valdes

    Great!  Happy to help.