Warehouse Transfer not updating IM_itemcost

Hello all!  First post so I'm pretty new to this.  My first foray into BOI programming is trying to create a warehouse transfer from one warehouse to another.  It looks like the process completes without errors and that when I look at the Quantity in Item Inquiry it appears that the warehouse has changed.  When I look in DFDM at the table im_itemcost, it appears that nothing has changed, thus preventing further transfers.  What would cause this?  Any help greatly appreciated!  Code posed below:

' Error Checker
Sub retChk(ret, sender)

If ret = 0 Then
wscript.echo(sender.s_CLASS & " : " & sender.sLastErrorMsg)

End If

End Sub

' Initialize Script
Set oPVX = CreateObject("ProvideX.Script")
Set oSS = oPVX.NewObject("SY_Session")

retVAL = oSS2.nSetUser("***","*********")
retVal = oSS.nSetCompany("NES")
retVAL = oSS.nSetDate("I/M", "20160203")
retVAL = oSS.nSetModule("I/M")

' Start Transaction Entry
Set oIMTransaction = oPVX.NewObject("IM_Transaction_bus", oSS)

' Create Transfer and set values
retVal = oIMTransaction.nSetValue("TransactionType$","4")
strEntryNo = ""
retVal = oIMTransaction.nGetNextEntryNo(strEntryNo)
retVal = oIMTransaction.nSetKeyValue("EntryNo$", strEntryNo)
retVal = oIMTransaction.nSetKey("4" & strEntryNo)

' Set values for Transfer
retVal = oIMTransaction.nSetValue("TransactionDate$","20160203")
retVal = oIMTransaction.nSetValue("DefaultFromWhseCode$", "O51")
retVal = oIMTransaction.nSetValue("ToWhseCode$", "RNT")
retVal = oIMTransaction.nSetValue("Comment$", "Warehouse Transfer")

' Add and set values for Lines
retVal = oIMTransaction.oLines.nAddLine()
retVal = oIMTransaction.oLines.nSetValue("ItemCode$", "A0110523")
retVal = oIMTransaction.oLines.nSetValue("TransactionQty", 1.00000)

' Distribute item
retChk oIMTransaction.oLines.oDistribution.nAddDistributionLine("52661"), oIMTransaction.oLines.oDistribution
retChk oIMTransaction.oLines.oDistribution.nSetValue("TransactionQty", 1), oIMTransaction.oLines.oDistribution

' Commit changes in correct order - Distribute, lines, transaction
retChk oIMTransaction.oLines.oDistribution.nWrite(), oIMTransaction.oLines.oDistribution
retChk oIMTransaction.oLines.nWrite(), oIMTransaction.oLines
retChk oIMTransaction.nWrite(), oIMTransaction.oLines.oDistribution

' Clean up
Set oIMTransaction = Nothing
set oSS = Nothing
Set oPVX = Nothing

' Step 2: Transaction Register

' Create new Session for Transaction Register
Set oPVX2 = CreateObject("ProvideX.Script")
Set oSS2 = oPVX2.NewObject("SY_Session")
retVAL = oSS2.nSetUser("***","*********")
retVal = oSS2.nSetCompany("NES")
retVAL = oSS2.nSetDate("I/M", "20160203")
retVAL = oSS2.nSetModule("I/M")

' Create Transaction Register instance
Set oIMTransEntry = oPVX2.NewObject("IM_TransactionRegister_upd", oSS2)


' Perform updates
retVal = oIMTransEntry.nUpdateInit()
retVal = oIMTransEntry.nUpdateMain()
retVal = oIMTransEntry.nUpdateCleanup()

' Clean up script
Set oIMTransEntry = Nothing
set oSS2 = Nothing
Set oPVX2 = Nothing

' Show message stating script complete