• BOI Retrieving Invoice Line Serial Numbers

    On sales order invoice items can successfully use BOI to retrieve the SO_Invoice items, and for each item access the lines, however have not been able to collect item serial numbers for each line. For reference a screen capture showing these serial numbers…
  • AP_OpenInvoice with balance 0

    Hi, I'm trying to write a code that gets all the invoices which were fully paid. My idea was to take all the invoice and remove all the open invoices from "AP_OpenInvoice". But, I see invoices in that tables that have 0 balance. So probsbly it doesn…
  • Script to add CC Fee to Invoice - getting an error!

    I know there are several posts about adding a line to an invoice to charge a fee. I've modified a script I found either here or in a Sage scripting class, but for some reason, I can't get it to work this time. When I put it on the Pre-Write event, it…
  • Create new Batch / Get used Batch number

    Hello, I'm inserting invoices for a client and they have requested that they all go into the same batch. I can't figure out how to create a new batch and keep using it. The best I can come up with is creating a new batch for each invoice. I pull…