Customizer salesperson UDF

Is it possible to create a field (UDF) that replicates the salesperson lookup using business object fields for salesperson?  I need to add this secondary salesperson lookup in AR_Customer and SO_Shiptoaddress.  I was hoping against hope that I could do it in Customizer with a simple copy and paste of the panel. Fat chance!



  • 0

    i've been able to do this by using a UI post-load event script on the panel where the UDF is placed.

    try the following code, replacing all instances of udf_amp_shipping_directions with the name of your udf. You may also have to increase or decrease the numbers in bold to get the icon to line up exactly where you need it on your panel based on the location of your udf locations. You could also hard code the 4 numeric values within the "@(Column, Line, ColumnsWide, LinesHigh )" section of the second line.

    oScript.Execute("udf_amp_shipping_directions.tag$ = udf_amp_shipping_directions.tag$ + salespersonno.tag$")
    oScript.Execute("BUTTON udf_amp_shipping_directions.ctl + 3000,@(udf_amp_shipping_directions.ctl'Col + udf_amp_shipping_directions.ctl'cols - 1, (udf_amp_shipping_directions.ctl'line-FLDR'GETLINE()-
    oScript.Execute("_QRY_TBL$[udf_amp_shipping_directions.ctl - 10000, _WDW_indx] = _QRY_TBL$[salespersonno.ctl - 10000, _WDW_indx]")

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    Thanks David,

    I'll give it a try.
