Sales Tax Exemptions

Minnesota has some changes in sales tax categories (transit tax to be specific).  We set up brand new tax codes and then had to change all of our customers to use these new tax codes. 

For the most part, things went well.  However, we have been having trouble with the ones that have exemptions.  Even if we re-input the exemptions, sometimes they work like they should.  And sometimes they do not.

Anyone having a similar issue?

  • 0

    When my tax exemptions "don't work", it's because the exemption number is missing from at least one line of the tax schedule. Maybe we added the exemption to the main customer address but forgot to add it to the ship to; or we forgot to add back the exemption number after changing a tax schedule; or just failed to save it properly. 

    I have never had sales tax be added to an order with a properly entered exemption.

  • 0 in reply to Helium

    Unfortunately this did not help.....we have to look each time to make sure it does it correctly

    Seems random

    We have used SAGE for about 15 years and the same person is still working and we've never had this issue before