Query to pull data that represents the Inventory Trial Balance from the Inventory Module


What would be the correct query to use (what tables, etc) to pull the exact same data as you get from the Trial Balance from the Inventory module while showing every item with its value? I want to do this at month end. 

Basically I want a big data dump of every inventory item in Excel format that matches the Trial Balance from the Inventory Module.

Thank you

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    The best way to do this is to run the Trial Balance, preview,  using Windows Explorer go to the server and the folder with the company data. Go to inventory and find this file IM_TrialBalanceWrk???021508367556.M4T  where ??? = your three digit user code and the rest is the date time stamp.  Find the IM_TrialBalanceWrk.M4T file and rename to BAK and then on the IM_TrialBalanceWrk???021508367556.M4T file remove the ???021508367556  you can then open Excel and pull the data from the IM_TrialBalanceWrk table. When finished delete the table with the data and rename the BAK file back to the original IM_TrialBalanceWrk.M4T   Once you get the hang of it you can do it in a few seconds.