Is there any advantage/disadvantage to numbering vendors with numbers or using alphabetical?


Any suggestions on whether it is better to use numbers or alphabetical method for numbering vendors?

We can use 1, 2, 3, etc, or we could use the first letters of a vendor's name?


  • +1
    verified answer

    I've always suggested using a systematic way of assigning vendor or customer numbers that makes it easy to guess what the id is.

    For example for businesses I will take the first three letters of the first word in the company name and the first letter of a subsequent word in the name and then add a number to distinguish if there is a resulting duplication.

    Superior Business Forms =  SUPB01

    Super Budget Autos = SUPB02

    Sage Software = SAGS01

    For individual names I take the first three letters of the last name and the first letter of first name and then add a number.

    Tom Rogers = ROGT01

    Trudy Rogers = ROGT02

    Sally Wilson = WILS01

    As BL indicated this tends to make the vendor numbers somewhat alphabetically sorted.

  • 0 in reply to TomTarget

    Thanks for the responses.  I think we will use something similar in renumbering vendors.

  • 0 in reply to L Energy

    And when renumbering always make sure to do a backup first.  The renumber utilities are dangerous.  One mistake and you can merge a whole lot of vendors into a single account.  There is no undo without a backup if you mess up.

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