I am getting an error 12 when opening Manual Check Register.


 The error offers no detail.  I have renamed the links folder, and checked the permissions.  Nothing. Support was not helpful. Sage 100 2018 PU 5 advanced.

  • 0

    I would suspect someone, somehow while possibly navigating the MAS90\AP folder accidentally deleted/moved a file from there. I've seen cases where users accidentally dragged an entire module folder into another directory, this results in more than just one of the affected module's tasks complaining when attempting to launch them though.

    Do you have 3rd party solutions?

    Any recent changes to the sage 100 installation on the server? 

  • 0

    I would suspect someone, somehow while possibly navigating the MAS90\AP folder accidentally deleted/moved a file from there. I've seen cases where users accidentally dragged an entire module folder into another directory, this results in more than just one of the affected module's tasks complaining when attempting to launch them though.

    Do you have 3rd party solutions?

    Any recent changes to the sage 100 installation on the server? 

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    This is a new Installation. The AP folder is complete.  Yes there are enhancements and they don't touch AP.

  • 0 in reply to nwebb

    Does the error occur before the task is displayed?

  • 0 in reply to nwebb

    Can you include a screenshot of the error message?

    Also, if it has an "Info" button, click that and screenshot the info window as well.

    If you get that far, there should be a "printer" icon in the bottom right, click that and either attached the created .txt file or paste its contents in your reply.

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    Also, include a screenshot of your Installed Modules Listing report.

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    Couple more things since you are on advanced.

    Where is the error occurring, on the server or the workstation?

    If workstation, all or just one workstation?

    Have you tried uninstalling the sage 100 workstation, restarting the workstation, and installing the workstation by accessing MAS90\wksetup\autorun.exe through a UNC path and running it as admin?

    Did you verify that the Modify or Full Control permissions have been set for the windows user on the MAS90's parent folder on both the server and the workstation?

    EDIT: Make sure when setting the permissions on the MAS90's parent folder, that you check the option to replace ll child object permissions. You should make sure all pvxwin32.exe processes have been shutdown properly on the sage 100 server though since some will lock certain files.

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    Considering what's in your installed modules listing, i'm assuming this is a recent upgrade attempt and migration. Did you check the Link Maintenance Utility and check these two types for any scripts and make sure the records are pointing to the correct path?

    If any scripts show up in that list, check if any scripts are occurring on the Post Load UI events. Check the MAS90\CM\Script folder on the server and look fr any script files that end with .M4L.vbs. You find some and one of them is named SY_Print.M4L.vbs, you can try renaming it.

    How are you launching the task? Launching Manual Check and Payment Register directly from the menu or by clicking the "Print" button in AP Manual Check and Payment Entry?

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    Another note, since you have what looks like some older versions of 3rd party add-ons, they very well may have modified core files. 

    I try to help when possible with stuff i'm familiar with regardless of whether you are an end user or a re-seller but given the info i've seen so far, if you are an end user, i think you are going to need to get with your re-seller to resolve this as it will likely need someone to connect to your system to further troubleshoot.

    That being said, i do not know what files get modified by all of your add-ons and unfortunately, tasks like the Manual Check and Payment Register and any other tasks that has "Register" in the name in a Framework level module all make use of the SY_Print.M4L panel library and other shared SY_*.pvc programs so given the number of add-ons, it is very likely one of them as either modified the panel library or some of the programs. Typically they should always use an override class in the Links folder but if renaming that folder and restarting the sage 100 application server service and then attempting to launch the task again does not resolve it, then the modification likely runs deeper.

    If you did recently do an upgrade and migration from a prior version, it is critical that you follow the add-ons' documentation to properly upgrade and migrate versions.