Payment Center Available When Security Event Unchecked?

We installed 2019.2 and payroll 2019.4 in a test environment.

There is a new security event in Library Master - Allow User to Access Payment Center. One of our customers set-up a new role and did not assign this security event. However, the Payment Center Menu item shows in the Accounts Receivable -> Main menu and the Sales Order -> Main menu.

Has anyone else come across this? Is there a fix? I didn't see anything on the knowledge base.



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    I've noticed that as well.  If I'm not mistaken, clicking on it will say you are not authorized (assuming you are not).

    It's kind of like custom reports.  They don't get hidden if you are not authorized, but you are still blocked.

    I've asked the techies about items like this not being hidden and never gotten a good answer as to why they don't hide.  I assume it is some sort of technical problem that makes them difficult to hide?