When will the year end center documentation be updated to reflect 2020 year end and not 2019?


I'd like to refer my client there

  • 0

    Cindy Lou,

    Most of the year-end 2020 has been updated however there are still a few things in still in process that should be complete approximately 12/18/20.  Some of those items are IRD's, Payroll Updates, Aatrix information, etc.

    If you can tell me what you were looking for I will make sure it wasn't missed instead of just in process.

    Thank you,


  • 0 in reply to Linda KR

    Looking for Aatrix filing deadline dates  - when I clicked on it - referred to 2020 dates and not 2021. So the Aatrix, IRD and payroll update info won't be there until after 12/18?  I can tell my clients that.

  • 0 in reply to CindyLou

    Just by coincidence, I requested that information from Aatrix this morning.  They responded that that is one of the items they still need to finalize.  I have a notification setup for any updates.  I will post that new link as soon as it is available.  The IRD for AP and the Payroll Update is 'targeted' for around 12/18.  I believe they may be prompted for a Payroll Tax Update (in PR 2.x versions) between 12/10 - 12/15.  I suggest everyone be on PR 2.20.3 and 2020.1 if they are able in order to be the most current before those releases.

  • 0 in reply to CindyLou

    Just by coincidence, I requested that information from Aatrix this morning.  They responded that that is one of the items they still need to finalize.  I have a notification setup for any updates.  I will post that new link as soon as it is available.  The IRD for AP and the Payroll Update is 'targeted' for around 12/18.  I believe they may be prompted for a Payroll Tax Update (in PR 2.x versions) between 12/10 - 12/15.  I suggest everyone be on PR 2.20.3 and 2020.1 if they are able in order to be the most current before those releases.
