Best Practice for Required Fields?


We are working through a revamp of our user-procedures and workflows. One of the key tasks for this is making more fields required. In the past, we have used either scripting or Custom Office to do this, but I'm unable to find any clear definition of best practices for this. Is it circumstantial? Or is it recommended to usually do one or the other?

  • 0

    Be careful with Advanced Field Settings.  If you make a field in SO header required, without checking existing SO, you will end up breaking the invoice posting process which updates SO.  If you make a field in CI_Item required, you just might break the ability to add / edit Miscellaneous Items / Charge codes (because they are stored in the same place).

    Scripts give the most control because the logic can be filtered many different ways.

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    Good to know! So in addition to using a script to avoid these issues, we should probably run a VI job to update any blank values in the to-be-required field?

  • 0 in reply to Yung_Grasshopper

    VI job or manual entry.  Think it through for each situation.  What could break by making a field in that table required?  Go through every business process.  If you generate PO from SO, making a PO field required will probably break that function unless you handle it.  If you use RMA, that may break by adding a required field certain SO / SO invoice tables.  What about posting?

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    Kevin is right, a super useful way to filter a script using the header or main table's Pre-Write event and the oScript.SetError method is by filtering on the UI object's screen name (nomads library).  This allows you to make sure it is only enforced when the user is actually in a specific task, such as Sales Order Entry (SO_SalesOrder.m4l).  the oSession.StartProgram can work but you have to be careful of tasks that can be spawned from another task, like clicking the "Customer No." hyperlink in Sales Order Entry will still cause the oSession.StartProgram property to equal "SO_SalesOrder_UI".

    Below is an excerpt from another one of my posts.

    A lot of things of may trigger an object's post read event so you need to further filter your script, one way to do it is checking the oSessionStartProgram but this is always accurate when a user drills down to an item from another task, so another way to do it is check for the presence of the UI object using oScript.UIObj <> 0, then if it isn't 0, you can use oSession.AsObject(oScript.UIObj).GetScreenName() and check that it is equal to "IM_Item.m4l".  Below is an example of what is returned by the GetScreenName, GetPanelName, and GetFolderName methods of the UI object when in Item Inquiry/Maintenance.  Whenever I do a check against stuff like this, I always convert both strings to upper case to avoid case sensitive mismatching.  It wouldn't hurt to also filter for oSession.Updating = 0.

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    Another helpful one that you can use is coSession.Updating which is a flag that is set when a register/update process is what began the session.  This will account for things like updating orders within the Sales Journal process.  This should have a 1 (True) or 0 (False).

  • 0 in reply to jepritch

    If we are posting a list of filters, here's mine.



    Are we in the middle of an update? Value returned as numeric

    1 = Yes 0 = No


    If oSession.Updating = 0 Then

    'Run script code

    End If




    Module code (e.g. A/P). For Library Master the module code is SYS


    if oSession.ModuleCode = "V/I" then

    ' do stuff

    end if




    if oSession.CompanyCode = "TST" then

    ' do stuff

    end if



    IsMember of a Role

    retVal = oSession.AsObject(oSession.Security).IsMember("rolename")

    Will return a value > 0 if user belongs to specified security role or 0 if not a member.




    If oSession.StartProgram <> "SO_SALESORDER_UI" Then

    Exit sub

    End If


    *** TIP ***

    Find the StartProgram with a simple pop-up:

    retVal = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox(oSession.StartProgram)




    if oSession.UI = 0   'this means that UI is not running

    if oSession.UI <> 0   'this means that UI is running




    if oBusObj.SecurityAccess = 0 then ' Inquiry screen or user only has View permission.


    0 equals View only.

    2 equals Modify with View implied.

    3 equals Create with View and Modify implied.

    4 equals Remove with View implied.

    6 equals Modify and Remove with View implied.

    7 equals Create, Modify, and Remove with View implied.




    if oBusObj.FromScanForce <> 1

    ' this means that the process thread is not a ScanForce import... may need to use oHeaderObj if a detail table event trigger.


    retval = 0

    if oBusObj.EditState = 1 then 'existing record

    retVal = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox("Existing Record")

    else if oBusObj.EditState = 2 then 'new record

    retVal = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox("New Record")

    else ' edit state 0 the only other option

    retVal = oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox("No Record in memory")

    end if

    end if

  • 0 in reply to Kevin M

    FYI, the last time I had to observe oSession.Updating on a 2018 install, it was 0 for not updating and either a 5 or 6 digit number if it was updating so filtering for a 1 would not give you the results you are expecting so now I check if it is 0 (not updating) or not 0 (is updating) instead of is 1

    If oSession.Updating = 0 Then
        ' Not updating
    End If
    If oSession.Updating <> 0 Then
        ' Is updating
    End If

    You can check if the current session is through the Sage 100 desktop or through the COM object using the following.

    If oSession.ObjectInterface = 0 Then
        ' Launched from Sage 100 Desktop
    End If
    If oSession.ObjectInterface <> 0 Then
        ' Launched from COM object
    End If

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    That Updating filter has been hit and miss for me... that might explain why!

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    I think it probably varies, so your method is the best.