Bank Reconciliation Issue - Balanced (when done) and then Not Balanced (when reviewed later)

I am looking at a company that has provided me with a bank reconciliation that worked (0.00 out of balance) when prepared in early Feb-22 (for year-end) 12/31/21 - however, when I review the bank reconciliation today (late Mar-22) and compare it to the GL balance as of 12/31/21, the balance on the GL is no longer the same as the one on the reconciliation - what could be causing this?

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    When you say you review the bank rec do you mean the paper copy/electronic copy in Sage or actually in the bank rec module?

    If you are reviewing the paper/electronic copy, you need to look and see if someone posted something after you did the bank rec.  If you look at the GL Detail report I believe you can choose to see user posted by and actual date it was posted.  The other thing to check is is your GL still in balance for 2021.  I recently had someone run recalculate GL Balances and due to an old error their GL no longer balanced or match previous reports.