Using VI Import Perform Maintenance to Store Data between two Linked Jobs?


I stumbled upon another post that described hard-coding or allowing a user to manually type in a deposit number when chaining two VI-Import jobs together for a Cash Receipts import. We are not wanting to go this route as in our case the deposit number should be generated the same way as clicking the next button when doing a manual entry.

I've successfully created the first job that generates the batch + deposit numbers (BatchNo is 'ASSN' with <blank> default, DepositNo is 'Next'). I have verified that each batch and deposit is created as intended in Cash Receipts Entry, as can be seen below:

There were a total of 10 test records that were read, and VI was able to bring it down to a single batch # and 2 deposit #s as intended (simulating ACH and Cash deposits) based on the imported "Deposit Type" column in the CSV file.


Now the goal is to figure out how I can "export" (or store) these deposit numbers via a "Perform Command" so they can be picked back up in the chained job. Then to determine how from the 2nd job while also using "Perform" to import them. Needless to say, I don't know anything about these commands.

I was thinking that with the appropriate command, either an "After Assign", "After Write", or "On Completion" perform type could work to save/store the deposit number(s) to be then picked back up with a "After Read" or "Before Write" perform command.

Even if this is stored in a text file, it would be overwritten by this job every time it runs, so it can be a hard-coded filepath or a variable/TempField if it's able to persist between jobs.

But the import job would need to be able to get the saved/stored DepositNo and the PaymentType so it knows how to apply the number to the same payment types in the source file.

Does anyone here have any experience with these commands that can shed some insight?


Another possibility (assuming it's in fact possible) with perform would be for me to create a UDT, with the UDT keys being each of the payment types accepted by our customer web portal (currently ACH or CC); this would be a similar idea to what the GL_CompanyActiveBatch table does. Each payment type is deposited to the bank separately, which is why we are wanting to create 1-2 deposit #s per batch depending what was deposited that day. The idea here would be for job 1 to possibly use a perform command to update either the CC/ACH key value column in the UDT to which then the job 2 would be able to immediately grab. The values that would be stored in this table would be temporary - so they will be overwritten every day as needed.

In the end I am pretty flexible with the medium being used to store the payment-type deposit numbers between jobs (UDT / Server File / etc). I am just not too flexible on the desire to use Sage's auto-assign method for batch + deposit numbers as that is the method being used in manual cash receipt entries and would like to somewhat keep the integrity of that system.

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  • 0 in reply to M Badau

    I have not unfortunately. However, I just recently stumbled upon a feature within Sage called "Submit Product Idea"  which I never knew existed in the "help" tab.

    I submitted an idea the other day to allow "Global Variables" that can be passed between linked jobs in VI. These variables would be temporary and destroy themselves after all linked jobs are completed. Similarly to how you can create a temp-variable in VI already, but would have a broader scope.

    If you would like to show your support to possibly get this feature added, you have the ability to visit the feature request I submitted there and vote for it. I assume voting allows more popular suggestions to rise to the top of what the Sage dev team sees for when they are considering product upgrades.

    Anyways, here's direct link to the feature request:

    And if you're hesitant to click the link due to domain not being of Sage, you can also find it by going to Help > Submit Product Idea in Sage's ERP and searching for "Enable Global Temp Variables for VI Imports".

  • 0 in reply to M Badau

    Update... I have, but it's not ideal. It involves creating a script and uploading to VI externally. I also used MS Access to aid in this process, but I am sure it can be used without but you're probably on your own if that's the case.

    For the external VI jobs, I created a shortcut and placed this in the paths: 

    \\<ServerPath>\MAS90\Home\pvxwin32.exe ..\LAUNCHER\SOTAPGM.INI ..\SOA\STARTUP.M4P -ARG DIRECT UIOFF <SageUID> <SagePW> <CompanyCode> <CompiledVIJobCode> AUTO

    Steps the script takes

    1. Queries MS Access to determine how many current VI Imported jobs are in Cash Receipts (so we can later determine when the new one was added). I just count the number of records that are returned from the following query:
      1. SELECT BatchNo, PrivateBatch, Comment, RecordCount, BatchTotal01 AS BatchTotal, DateCreated
        FROM GL_CompanyActiveBatch
        WHERE Comment='VI Import: <VI Job Name>' AND ModuleCode='A/R' AND BatchType='02'
    2. Externally uploads to VI Job #1, which creates the batch/deposit numbers
    3. Run the same query from #1, and wait for the number of records to be incremented by 1 to verify the job is complete
      1. I placed this in a finite loop to perform the query every couple of seconds and to quit once it reaches 20 attempts
    4. You can then run a similar query to get the MAX(BatchNo) or another way to determine which was the new batch, which then within that batch you can grab the DepositNo's
    5. Establish some logic to link the deposit numbers back to your data, perhaps based on the order of the deposit numbers and deposit totals and inject the batch/deposit numbers into the original CSV data somehow.
      1. What I did was have a linked file table in MS Access that linked to the original CSV file and performed a join on that data against the previous query, then exported as a new file
        1. Make sure to use a linked table and not an import so every time the query runs it's getting live data and not what was imported into Access
    6. Run the 2nd external VI job

    Like I said, it's not ideal but it gets the job done. I have this automatically run as a scheduled task at 8am every morning (we have a vendor that sends us payments they processed for us and drops it in our server via ftp).

    Note if you choose to use Access: if you're running this from a server the server itself won't need Office installed. You can simply install the Access Database Engine Redistributable from Microsoft's website. This will allow your script to communicate with Access via ADO/DAO. Access is what connects to Sage via ODBC and all the queries and data exports can be performed there.

    If you're fortunate enough that your csv file contains some type of UID for the individual payments (such as as confirmation or reference number) - MS Access can also help you compare those against CashReceiptsHistory to ensure they aren't duplicated. My script combines the last 30 days of payment files into one large file for MS Access to link to then excludes the ones that have already been processed by the confirmation numbers that are being stored in a UDF in Cash Receipts. 30 days is overkill but sometimes I prefer it that way.

    Another nice thing is that you can create sub queries in MS access to get deposit totals and export that into your csv file instead of trying to have VI calculate those totals. This in turn also helps you for the 2nd job to link your lines back to the deposit numbers.


    Initially I had no intent to provide the actual script itself. First, it's probably more complicated and confusing than it is helpful. Second, this hasn't been validated or certified to not contain any security or other flaws. But if you know what you're doing and want to see the actual steps I am using as a reference point for you to create your own script then here it is. No warranties of any kind here, so don't use it at all or use at your own risk. And just to also note, the `CleanupLogFiles` method wasn't working as intended, which is why it's commented out. I can't remember the issue I was having with it and I haven't gotten back to fixing it yet so don't use it unless you can fix and test yourself to not wipe your server.

    Option Explicit
    '################################### SCRIPT SETTINGS ##################################
    'Should a log file be generated during script run time?
    Const GenerateLogFile	= True
    'Number of historical logs to keep (excluding current log). If set to -1, there will be no automatic cleanup
    '	of log files. This occurs before the new log file is created, so even if set to 0 there will be only the
    '	most recently created log from this session. In other words, the number of logs after script has concluded
    '	= n+1 unless {GenerateLogFile} is set to False
    Const LogsToKeep		= 100
    'Number of attempts the loop will perform checking for a new batch from the first upload before aborting
    Const MaxAttempts		= 20
    'Time (ms) between each attempt. Remember that each attempt performs an ODBC query against Sage, 
    '	so including a pause between requests is preferable ( 1500 = 1.5 seconds )
    Const WaitTimeMS		= 1250
    'Directory that stores log files
    Const LogFileDir		= "\\filebox\Accounting\Billtrust\_VI\Logs\"
    'Directory for all file exports (for VI and for Access DB)
    Const ExportDir			= "\\filebox\Accounting\Billtrust\_VI\Exports\"
    'File name in the export directory that Excel will export the consolidated CSV as
    Const FileNameCSV		= "ConsolidatedPaymentTable.csv"
    'Full path to the Access Database file that performs the required queries and other file cleanup tasks before uploading to VI
    Const AccessDbPath		= "\\filebox\Accounting\Billtrust\Assets\DB Files\Consolidated Payments.accdb"
    '################################### GLOBAL CONSTANTS #################################
    Const ForWriting		= 2
    Const ForAppending		= 8
    Const xlCSV 			= 6
    '################################### GLOBAL VARIABLES #################################
    Dim Log, Stopwatch, Accdb
    Dim bDepositFound, bProceed
    Sub InitializeObjects()
    	Log.OpenedSubroutine "InitializeObjects"
    	Set Stopwatch = New StopwatchCls
    	Set Accdb = New AccessDBCls
    	Log.ClosedSubroutine "InitializeObjects"
    End Sub
    Dim InitRecordCount, AttemptNo
    'Get the initial number of records from the deposit table before uploading the batch CSV
    Log.NewLineBuild "Querying Sage for current batch count of existing VI Jobs... "
    InitRecordCount = Accdb.RecordCount("OpenBatches")
    Log.AppendLine "Count = " & InitRecordCount
    'Export the batch CSV from Access
    'If file is empty then no records were exported
    If FileSize(ExportDir & "BT-PMT-01.BATCH.csv") = 0 Then
    	bProceed = False
    	MsgBox "FileSize = 0"
    	bProceed = True
    End If
    'Use the export from prior step to import into 'AR_CashReceiptsDeposit'
    If bProceed Then
    	'Wait until the new deposit record is showing in Sage
    	Dim nAttemptNo, nCurrentCount
    		nAttemptNo = nAttemptNo + 1
    		Log.NewLineBuild "Querying Sage for new batch creation... Attempt # " & nAttemptNo & " of " & MaxAttempts
    		nCurrentCount = Accdb.RecordCount("OpenBatches")
    		Log.BuildLine " .. Result = " & nCurrentCount & " (Original = " & InitRecordCount & ") .. "
    		If nCurrentCount <> InitRecordCount Then
    			bDepositFound = True
    			Log.AppendLine "Import Successful!"
    			Exit Do
    			If nAttemptNo = MaxAttempts Then
    				Log.AppendLine "Max Attempts Reached, aborting."
    				bDepositFound = False
    				Exit Do
    				Log.AppendLine "Script Pause set to [" & WaitTimeMS & " ms] for recheck"
    			End If
    		End If
    		WScript.Sleep WaitTimeMS
    	If bDepositFound Then
    		Log.WriteLine "Skipped Deposit export/import operations due to: Deposit not found"
    	End If
    End If
    Function FileSize(sFilePath)
    	Dim fso:	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    	Dim oFile:	Set oFile = fso.GetFile(sFilePath)
    	FileSize	= oFile.Size
    	Set oFile	= Nothing
    	Set fso		= Nothing
    End Function
    Sub ExportBatchCSV
    	Accdb.ExportTableAsCSV "ExportQuery:Batch", False, ExportDir & "BT-PMT-01.BATCH.csv"	
    End Sub
    Sub ExportDepositCSV
    	Accdb.ExportTableAsCSV "ExportQuery:Deposit", False, ExportDir & "BT-PMT-02.DEPOSIT.csv"
    End Sub
    Sub UploadBatchVI
    	Const CmdPath = """\\MV-SAGE02\Sage100\VI Jobs\VI CashReceipts Batch Import.cmd"""
    	Log.WriteLine "Attempting remote Sage-VI Batch import job @ " & CmdPath
    	With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    		Dim retVal
    		retVal = .Run(CmdPath, 0, True)
    		Log.WriteLine "~!WScript.Shell.Run -> Return Code = [" & retVal & "]"
    	End With
    	Log.NewLineBuild "~!VI Import job concluded (Batch)."
    End Sub
    Sub UploadDepositVI
    	Const CmdPath = """\\MV-SAGE02\Sage100\VI Jobs\VI CashReceipts Deposit Import.cmd"""
    	Log.WriteLine "Attempting remote Sage-VI Deposit import job @ " & CmdPath
    	With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    		Dim retVal
    		retVal = .Run(CmdPath, 0, True)
    		Log.WriteLine "~!WScript.Shell.Run -> Return Code = [" & retVal & "]"
    	End With
    	Log.NewLineBuild "~!VI Import job concluded (Deposit)."
    End Sub
    Sub LogGlobals
    	With Log
    		.WriteLine "Script Global Variables and constants:"
    		.IndentLevel = .IndentLevel + 1
    		.WriteLine "ExportDir~!= " & ExportDir
    		.WriteLine "AccessDbPath~!= " & AccessDbPath
    		.IndentLevel = .IndentLevel - 1
    	End With
    End Sub
    Sub CleanupLogFiles
    	If LogsToKeep < 0 Then Exit Sub
    	Dim objFSO, objFolder, objFile
    	Dim arrFiles()
    	Dim i, j
    	Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    	Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(LogFileDir)
    	ReDim arrFiles(objFolder.Files.Count - 1)
    	' Collect all files in the folder
    	i = 0
    	For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
    	    If LCase(objFSO.GetExtensionName(objFile.Name)) <> "log" Then
    	    	MsgBox "There are non-log files located in the log directory. Aborting the log directory cleanup routine." & vbNewLine & LogFileDir
    	    	Exit Sub
    	    End If
    	    Set arrFiles(i) = objFile
    	    i = i + 1
    	' Sort the array by creation date/time, descending
    	For i = 0 To UBound(arrFiles) - 1
    		For j = i + 1 To UBound(arrFiles)
    			If arrFiles(i).DateCreated < arrFiles(j).DateCreated Then
    				' Swap files
    				Set objTemp = arrFiles(i)
    				Set arrFiles(i) = arrFiles(j)
    				Set arrFiles(j) = objTemp
    	        End If
    	' Delete all but the 5 most recent files
    	For i = LogsToKeep To UBound(arrFiles)
    	' Clean up
    	Set objFSO = Nothing
    	Set objFolder = Nothing	
    End Sub
    Sub ExportConsolidatedPaymentTable
    	Log.OpenedSubroutine "ExportConsolidatedPaymentTable"
    	' Source and destination folder/file paths
    	Const strSourceFolder = "\\filebox\Accounting\Billtrust\_InboundFileTransfers\PaymentFiles\"
    	Dim objFSO, objFolder, objFile, objDestTextFile
    	Dim strData, regEx
    	' Initialize FileSystemObject
    	Log.WriteLine "Initializing objFSO"
    	Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    	' Check if source folder exists
    	If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strSourceFolder) Then
    		Log.WriteLine "Source folder not found."
    	End If
    	' Delete the existing destination file if it exists
    	Log.NewLineBuild "Checking for existing destination file... "
    	If objFSO.FileExists(ExportDir & FileNameCSV) Then
    		Log.AppendLine "Located old destination file."
    		objFSO.DeleteFile(ExportDir & FileNameCSV)
    		If Not objFSO.FileExists(ExportDir & FileNameCSV) Then Log.WriteLine "File Deleted"
    	    Log.AppendLine "Old destination file does not exist."
    	End If
    	' Create the destination file
    	Log.WriteLine "Creating new destination file."
    	Set objDestTextFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(ExportDir & FileNameCSV, True)
    	' Write headers to the destination file
    	Dim headers
    	headers = "DepositType,FileDate,DepositAmt,ConfirmationNo,PaymentDate,CustomerNo," & _
    				"CustomerName,TotalPaid,CardType,Last4,Comments,EmailFrom,EmailSubj," & _
    				"EmailDate,OriginSys,CreateUser,InvoiceNo,InvoiceAmt,InvoicePaid," & _
    	objDestTextFile.WriteLine headers
    	' Regular expression for file matching
    	Const sRegexPattern = "^(?:BT_)?MVPAY_(?:BPNCARD|CC|ACH)_[\d_]{15,}\.csv$"
    	Log.WriteLine "Setting filename regex pattern to: /" & sRegexPattern & "/i"
    	Set regEx = New RegExp
    	regEx.Pattern = sRegexPattern
    	regEx.IgnoreCase = True
    	' Read files from source folder
    	Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strSourceFolder)
        ' Loop through each file in the source folder
        Log.WriteLine "Looping folder for file merge."
        For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
            Log.NewLineBuild "Checking File Pattern: " & objFile.Name & ".." & vbTab
            If regEx.Test(objFile.Name) Then
                Log.AppendLine "File name passed pattern test. Reading file."
                ' Open the current source file for reading
                Dim objSourceTextFile
                Set objSourceTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(objFile.Path, 1, False)
                ' Skip the header of the source file
                If Not objSourceTextFile.AtEndOfStream Then objSourceTextFile.ReadLine
                ' Get the file name without extension
                Dim fileNameWithoutExtension
                fileNameWithoutExtension = Left(objFile.Name, InStrRev(objFile.Name, ".") - 1)
                ' Read the rest of the file and write to the destination file
                Do Until objSourceTextFile.AtEndOfStream
                    strData = objSourceTextFile.ReadLine
                    ' Append the file name without extension to the end of the line
                    objDestTextFile.WriteLine strData & "," & fileNameWithoutExtension
                Log.WriteLine "~!File Closed."
                Log.AppendLine "Failed Regex Pattern test"
            End If
    	' Close the destination file after writing all data
    	Set objFolder	= Nothing
    	Set objFSO		= Nothing
    	Set regEx		= Nothing
    	Log.ClosedSubroutine "ExportConsolidatedPaymentTable"
    End Sub
    Sub InitializeLogFile
    	If Not GenerateLogFile Then Exit Sub
    	Set Log = New LogFile
    End Sub
    Function ComputerName
    	ComputerName = CreateObject("WScript.Network").ComputerName
    End Function
    Function UserName
    	UserName = CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserName
    End Function
    Sub Kill(sFilePath)
    	Dim FSO:	Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    	FSO.DeleteFile sFilePath, True
    	Set FSO =	Nothing
    End Sub
    Class LogFile
    	Private oFile 'As Scripting.File
    	Private sFileName, sFilePath
    	Private nIndentLevel, t
    	Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    		t = Timer
    		Dim FSO:	Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    		sFileName	= NewFileName
    		sFilePath	= LogFileDir & sFileName
    		Set oFile	= FSO.OpenTextFile(sFilePath, ForAppending, True)
    		Set FSO		= Nothing
    	End Sub
    	Private Sub InitialLogEntries
    		WriteLine "Log file initialized."
    		WriteLine "~!Directory~!= "		& LogFileDir
    		WriteLine "~!LogFile~!~!= "		& sFileName
    		WriteLine "~!ComputerName~!= "	& ComputerName
    		WriteLine "~!UserName~!= "		& UserName
    	End Sub
    	Private Function NewFileName
    		Dim timestamp, formattedDate, formattedTime
    		timestamp = Now
    		formattedDate = Year(timestamp) & Right("0" & Month(timestamp), 2) & Right("0" & Day(timestamp), 2)
    		formattedTime = Right("0" & Hour(timestamp), 2) & Right("0" & Minute(timestamp), 2) & Right("0" & Second(timestamp), 2)
    		timestamp = formattedDate & "-" & formattedTime
    		NewFileName = "VI-Payments_" & timestamp & "_" & ComputerName & ".log"
    	End Function
    	Public Property Let IndentLevel(nValue)
    		nIndentLevel = nValue
    	End Property
    	Public Property Get IndentLevel
    		IndentLevel = nIndentLevel
    	End Property
    	Public Sub OpenedSubroutine(sName)
    		WriteLine "Called Sub: " & sName
    		IndentLevel = IndentLevel + 1
    	End Sub
    	Public Sub ClosedSubroutine(sName)
    		IndentLevel = IndentLevel - 1
    		WriteLine "Sub Terminated: " & sname
    	End Sub
    	Public Sub NewLineBuild(t)
    		'For new lines that should include the time stamp but not close itself
    		oFile.Write Now & vbTab & String(nIndentLevel, vbTab) & Replace(t, "~!", vbTab)
    	End Sub
    	Public Sub WriteLine(t)
    		'For new lines that is independent of any other lines (TimeStamp + NewLine)
    		oFile.WriteLine Now & vbTab & String(nIndentLevel, vbTab) & Replace(t, "~!", vbTab)
    	End Sub
    	Public Sub BuildLine(t)
    		'For existing lines that you don't want to terminate (no timestamp, no line termination)
    		oFile.Write Replace(t, "~!", vbTab)
    	End Sub
    	Public Sub AppendLine(t)
    		'For existing lines that builds from a prior 'NewLine' (doesn't include timestamp but does include line termination)
    		oFile.WriteLine Replace(t, "~!", vbTab)
    	End Sub
    	Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    		WriteLine "Log File Class_Terminate() Event called..."
    		WriteLine "Total elapsed script time = " & FormatNumber(Timer - t, 2) & " seconds"
    		Set oFile = Nothing
    	End Sub
    End Class
    Class StopwatchCls
    	Private nTimer	
    	Public Sub Start()
    		nTimer = Timer
    	End Sub	
    	Public Function GetElapsedTime()
    		GetElapsedTime = vbTab & "[ " & FormatNumber(Timer - nTimer, 2) & " Seconds ]"
    	End Function	
    	Public Sub WriteElapsedTime
    		Log.AppendLine GetElapsedTime
    	End Sub
    	Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    		Log.WriteLine "StopwatchCls Class_Terminate() Event called..."
    		Log.WriteLine "Class Terminated."
    	End Sub
    End Class
    Class AccessDBCls
    	Private conn
    	Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    		Dim connStr:	connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & AccessDbPath
    		Log.WriteLine "Initializing AccessDBCls - (Access Database Manager)"
    		Log.IndentLevel = Log.IndentLevel + 1
    		Log.WriteLine "Connection String = [" & connStr & "]"
    		Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    		Log.NewLineBuild "Opening Database Connection."
    		conn.Open connStr
    		Log.IndentLevel = Log.IndentLevel - 1
    	End Sub
    	Public Sub ExportTableAsCSV(sTableName, bIncludeHeaders, sPath)
    		Log.WriteLine	"Exporting Access Database Table to CSV."
    		Log.IndentLevel = Log.IndentLevel + 1
    		Log.WriteLine "Table Name~!= " & sTableName
    		Log.WriteLine "Include Headers~!= " & bIncludeHeaders
    		Log.WriteLine "Export Path~!= " & sPath
    		Dim rs, sql, fso, outputFile, field, isFirstField, dataLine
    		Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    		Set outputFile = fso.CreateTextFile(sPath, True)
    		Log.NewLineBuild "Running database query." & vbTab
    		sql = "SELECT * FROM [" & sTableName & "]"
    		Log.AppendLine "SQL = '" & sql & "'"
    		Log.NewLineBuild "Executing SQL Statement.. "
    		Set rs = conn.Execute(sql)
    		' Write headers if required
    		If bIncludeHeaders Then
    			Log.NewLineBuild "Writing Headers..."
    			isFirstField = True
    				For Each field In rs.Fields
    					If Not isFirstField Then
    						outputFile.Write ","
    					End If
    				outputFile.Write """" & field.Name & """"
    				isFirstField = False
    			Log.AppendLine "Done"
    		End If
    		' Write data
    		Log.NewLineBuild "Writing table data... "
    		Do Until rs.EOF
    			isFirstField = True
    				For Each field In rs.Fields
    					If Not isFirstField Then
    						outputFile.Write ","
    					End If
    				outputFile.Write """" & field.Value & """"
    				isFirstField = False
    		Log.BuildLine "Done."
    		Log.NewLineBuild "Cleaning up.  Closing Recordset"
    		' Clean up
    		Log.BuildLine "...Recordset Closed;  Closing OutputFile"
    		Log.BuildLine " ...OutputFile Closed."
    		Set rs = Nothing
    		Set outputFile = Nothing
    		Set fso = Nothing
    		Log.AppendLine " Object references destroyed successfully."
    		Log.IndentLevel = Log.IndentLevel - 1
    	End Sub
    	Public Function RecordCount(sTblName)
    		Dim rs 'As ADODB.RecordSet
    		Set rs = conn.Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) As RecordCount From [" & sTblName &"]")
    		RecordCount = rs(0)
    		Set rs = Nothing
    	End Function
    	Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    		Log.WriteLine "AccessDbCls Class_Terminate() Event called... "
    		Log.NewLineBuild "Access DB Connection Closed = "
    		If Not (conn Is Nothing) Then
    			If conn.State = 1 Then
    				Log.AppendLine "False. Attempting to close."
    				Log.AppendLine "True"
    			End If
    			Set conn = Nothing
    			Log.AppendLine "True"
    		End If
    		Log.WriteLine "Class Terminated."
    	End Sub
    End Class
    Log.WriteLine "Terminating objects for script completion."
    On Error Resume Next
    Set Accdb		= Nothing
    Set Stopwatch	= Nothing
    Set Log			= Nothing

    I won't be providing the queries right now but I can attempt to help answer questions you might have about them.