W-4 information

Where in Sage100 version can you put tax status is Married but withheld at a higher Single rate?

  • Did you ever get an answer to this question???
  • in reply to cherylptlc
    Why wouldn't you just put in tax status Single? There is no legal reason that says your status on the payroll has to match your actual marital status. It's just a way of trying to estimate what your tax bill is.
  • in reply to TomTarget
    Sage100 has separate fields for this. On the Main tab, you indicate the marital status - this does not affect withholding. In the filing status you put in the filing status for tax withholding. "Married but withhold at a higher single rate" is Single on this screen.
  • in reply to TomTarget
    You can override the taxes on an existing filing status by a percentage, additional amount, or fixed amount. The FILING status is for tax calculation only, the employee's MARITAL status is a separate field and is in employee maintenance, main tab. (Words are capitalized to accentuate the difference in terminology)
  • If they are married but want to use the Single tax rate, I would suggest in the Tax Status window in Employee Maintenance on the Wages tab to select the Filing Status=Single.
  • You can override the taxes on an existing filing status by a percentage, additional amount, or fixed amount. The FILING status is for tax calculation only (what table to use), the employee's MARITAL status is a separate field and is in employee maintenance, main tab. (Words are capitalized to accentuate the difference in terminology)