Data files for this company have not been converted to the current level



First off, I'm new to this website (first poster, long-term reader) and want to say thanks for the forum posts as they've been very helpful in troubleshooting our installation.

Now to the question, I just recently upgraded one of our Finance execs to Windows 7 Ultimate. The user is getting a message: "data files for this company have not been converted to the current level. You must convert data files using Company Maintenance. Would you like to proceed to Company Maintenance?". NOTE: He gets this for every module.

I've backed up the server location and tried the option in this link, only  to re-run the operation (Modules --> Accounts Receivable --> Reports --> Monthly Sales Report) and find that the period has reverted back to 01/01/95.

It has been confirmed that he's the only one receiving this error message as other users are working in it fine (note: the other users just have Windows 7 Professional). Also, before this error, I was getting another error: Missing mscal.ocx (which was resolved in this SpiceWorks link).

I had to add that registry entry to get past the error being receiving in the Access add-in.

I've tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it. Tried creating a virtual Windows XP machine on the same computer, installing MAS90 and getting the same error message.

I don't want to get into reinitializing data files or rebuilding application key/sort files without some assistance.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!


P.S. Please let me know if this is the correct location to post.