Script to capture when PO Required Date is Changed

Business Problem:  

One of our inventory peeps needs to analyze and see when the PO Required Date changes for an inbound PO.  We have a pulling schedule etc... with some partially pulled and staged orders.  Those orders are waiting on inventory from inbound PO's.  If one of those inbound PO's changes in its estimated PO Required Date - then we need to know that it changed.  Is there a scripted or automated way for that PO to be flagged, notated, UDF Updated, other such magic when the PO Required Date is edited/changed?

Or based on my description of the need - am I missing something bout current functionality that would help these PO Required Date changes be visible and already trackable in the system?

In my silliness - I was thinking possibly - Script:  If the PO Required Date changes from one date to a different date, then update a UDF called UDF_Required_Date_Last_Changed, which would be a date field that records the date of the change and we could report on that UDF?

Ok - tell me why this is dumb! :)  JK - thanks for your help!


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    A reporting tool like Business Alerts / KnowledgeSync / Sage Alerts has the ability to report on changed records (with a snapshot of query results used for the comparison, maintained by the reporting tool).
    You could also come up with a scripted solution, but you'd have to come up with a way to reset your reporting flags after the alert is sent. Ex. if the date is changed in the morning, reported, then changed again in the afternoon, you'd probably want another alert...