MICR line on my check


Do you now if there is any instructions on how to separate the router account and bank account form our checks. MICR line

it shows a check NO. space, but in between  the routing and bank account there is no space, and some scanners are not taking it. I would like to place a space in between routing and bank No.

Thank you for the info.

  • 0

    When setting up the check did you use the standard MICR formula? you can add space by inserting  + " "+ where you want additional space

    This is the formula that comes with the check forms.

    if {AP_CheckWrk.MICRPrintingEnabled} = "Y" then
        formula =  {AP_CheckWrk.CheckPrefix} + {AP_CheckWrk.CheckNo} + {AP_CheckWrk.CheckSuffix} _
        + " " + {AP_CheckWrk.RoutingNo} + {AP_CheckWrk.BankAccountNo}
    end if

  • 0

    When setting up the check did you use the standard MICR formula? you can add space by inserting  + " "+ where you want additional space

    This is the formula that comes with the check forms.

    if {AP_CheckWrk.MICRPrintingEnabled} = "Y" then
        formula =  {AP_CheckWrk.CheckPrefix} + {AP_CheckWrk.CheckNo} + {AP_CheckWrk.CheckSuffix} _
        + " " + {AP_CheckWrk.RoutingNo} + {AP_CheckWrk.BankAccountNo}
    end if
