Recalculate Item History uses wrong column for Standard valuation items (in determining TotalWarehouseValue for IM_ItemWarehouse)?

v2018.1 Premium.

After a recent upgrade a customer complained about zero quantity items showing on the Valuation report when they chose to suppress zero quantity items.  Tracing that back to the TotalWarehouseValue column in IM_ItemWarehouse, which was non-zero for zero QoH lines lead me to look at IM_ItemTransactionHistory.  When I add up the "ExtendedCost" column I get the bad value (which the utility calculated as the TotalWarehouseValue).  Adding up the ExtendedStandardCost column I get zero (correctly).

This seems like a bug to me.  Can anyone else confirm?


select ItemCode,
    WarehouseCode as Whse,
    (select Valuation from CI_Item where CI_Item.ItemCode = ITH1.ItemCode) as Val,
    (select TotalWarehouseValue from IM_ItemWarehouse
        where ITH1.ItemCode = IM_ItemWarehouse.ItemCode
        and ITH1.WarehouseCode = IM_ItemWarehouse.WarehouseCode) as BadAmount,
    (select sum(ExtendedStandardCost) from IM_ItemTransactionHistory ITH2
        where ITH1.ItemCode = ITH2.ItemCode
        and ITH1.WarehouseCode = ITH2.WarehouseCode) as GoodValue,
from IM_ItemTransactionHistory ITH1
where WarehouseCode + '^' + ItemCode in
    (select WarehouseCode + '^' + ItemCode from IM_ItemWarehouse
    where QuantityOnHand = 0 and TotalWarehouseValue <> 0)
order by WarehouseCode, ItemCode, TransactionDate

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