Inventory Valuation Which Shows Available Balance & Value (Similar to Stock Status)


The Stock Status report is a point in time report...only the inventory balance at the time of execution.
The one piece of data that is shown that is not on any other IM report is QTY on SO (Sales Order), and because that is included the Available balance (QTY on Hand - QTY on SO), is also available. We don't invoice the customer for the material on SO until the job is complete (which could be months), and no other inventory balance report reflects the SO qty.
If we want to see the inventory balance at the end of each month, we have to make sure the Stock Status report is run on the last day of the month.
Is there any way to create a report similar to the Stock Status that can be run by period and have the correct values for the period being reported on, or to have a report like the Inventory Valuation Report that can take into account the items on SO.

As a secondary measure, I looked into the Scheduled Tasks. but running an IM Stock Status report on a schedule does not seem to be an option.

Anyone have insights on this issue?
