How to prevent a SO from being invoiced with negative quantities because the PO hasn't been received


The Subject pretty much sums it up.

We create a SO with a BO, we order the product.  The product arrives but the PO isn't always received into Sage 100c before the SO is invoiced.   Is there a setting that won't allow the SO to be invoiced or to prevent the invoices to be posted when it creates a negative quantity?   Want to force the PO to be received first.

thank you!

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    Kevin's suggestion will prevent you from making a sales order that is more than what is on hand, but I prefer to use the valuation method to control this type of thing.  If you make the item valuation method to be Lot, Serial or FIFO, then Sage 100 will prevent you from invoicing out the item UNTIL there is a quantity on hand for that item.  For example, until you receive in a PO to create quantity of an item, you will be prevented from invoicing that SKU out.  



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    Kevin's suggestion will prevent you from making a sales order that is more than what is on hand, but I prefer to use the valuation method to control this type of thing.  If you make the item valuation method to be Lot, Serial or FIFO, then Sage 100 will prevent you from invoicing out the item UNTIL there is a quantity on hand for that item.  For example, until you receive in a PO to create quantity of an item, you will be prevented from invoicing that SKU out.  


