UDS sub and functions

Hi all,

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to incorporate user-defined functions and additional sub routines in UDS?

I have a working (pseudo-codes below), intended to be assigned to Table_Post-Write event for AR_Customer_bus.  

Basically, there are 3 sub routines and 2 functions.  The first one (the first 2 lines) call the subs, and each sub calls the functions.  Putting this right in the UDS Maintenance wraps the entire code block with Sub...End sub so it wouldn't work.  How do I make this happen??

Call Sub1
Call Sub2

Sub Sub1
    do something
    Call fn1
End Sub

Sub Sub2
    do something
    Call fn2
End sub

Function fn1
    calculate something
End function

Function fn2
    calculate something
End function


  • +1
    verified answer

    This is possible with a bit of a workaround.

    When using this approach, i set up one script named however i need it to be and then i set up another script file with the same name but with "_Procedures" appended to it. 

    For example, TestUDS.vbs and TestUDS_Procedures.vbs.

    TestUDS is the script assigned to an event and TestUDS_Procedures gets read and executed by TestUDS.

    Here is what the the contents of TestUDS should be.  Note that i have the "On Error *" lines commented out.  This is so if there is an issue while setting up or testing, it will cause a hard error.  You'll also notice there is an Execute and ExecuteGlobal line.  The former is fine to use if one of your subs or functions in the procedures file will never have to call a sub or function in the procedures file.  Based on your example, this is not the case, so you would have to use the ExecuteGlobal line.

    ' On Error Resume Next
    sProceduresFileName = "TestUDS_Procedures.vbs"
    sProceduresFileParentFolderPath = "CM\Script\"
    nConstForReading = 1
    Set oFileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    sPathRoot = "" : sPathRoot = oSession.PathRoot
    If CBool(oSession.CS) Then sPathRoot = oSession.PathCSRoot
    sProceduresFilePath = sPathRoot & sProceduresFileParentFolderPath & sProceduresFileName
    If oFileSystemObject.FileExists(sProceduresFilePath) Then
    	' Execute oFileSystemObject.OpenTextFile(sProceduresFilePath, nConstForReading).ReadAll()
    	ExecuteGlobal oFileSystemObject.OpenTextFile(sProceduresFilePath, nConstForReading).ReadAll()
    End If
    Set oFileSystemObject = Nothing
    ' On Error GoTo 0

    The procedures file can be any valid VBScript.  Here is a sample.  You can include code outside of subs and functions as well as inside.  You can manage scope of variables within subs and functions by appropriately using the "Dim" statement.  You can further manage trapping errors by appropriately place the "On Error *" lines 

    ' On Error Resume Next
    sTest = "Test"
    Call subProcedure()
    oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox "", "" & sTest
    Sub subProcedure()
    	' On Error Resume Next
    	oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox "", "" & sTest
    	sTest = "subProcedure"
    	Call subProcedure2()
    	' On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub
    Sub subProcedure2()
    	' On Error Resume Next
    	Dim sTest
    	oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox "", "" & sTest
    	sTest = "subProcedure2"
    	' On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub
    ' On Error GoTo 0

    Final note, one benefit i really like about this approach is that you only have to recompile the scripts when making changes to the contents of the script assigned to the event.  You can make changes on the fly to the script containing the procedures without having to recompile and relaunch the task.  This is really useful when testing/debugging/developing as you don't have to recompile and relaunch the task after every change made.

  • +1
    verified answer

    This is possible with a bit of a workaround.

    When using this approach, i set up one script named however i need it to be and then i set up another script file with the same name but with "_Procedures" appended to it. 

    For example, TestUDS.vbs and TestUDS_Procedures.vbs.

    TestUDS is the script assigned to an event and TestUDS_Procedures gets read and executed by TestUDS.

    Here is what the the contents of TestUDS should be.  Note that i have the "On Error *" lines commented out.  This is so if there is an issue while setting up or testing, it will cause a hard error.  You'll also notice there is an Execute and ExecuteGlobal line.  The former is fine to use if one of your subs or functions in the procedures file will never have to call a sub or function in the procedures file.  Based on your example, this is not the case, so you would have to use the ExecuteGlobal line.

    ' On Error Resume Next
    sProceduresFileName = "TestUDS_Procedures.vbs"
    sProceduresFileParentFolderPath = "CM\Script\"
    nConstForReading = 1
    Set oFileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    sPathRoot = "" : sPathRoot = oSession.PathRoot
    If CBool(oSession.CS) Then sPathRoot = oSession.PathCSRoot
    sProceduresFilePath = sPathRoot & sProceduresFileParentFolderPath & sProceduresFileName
    If oFileSystemObject.FileExists(sProceduresFilePath) Then
    	' Execute oFileSystemObject.OpenTextFile(sProceduresFilePath, nConstForReading).ReadAll()
    	ExecuteGlobal oFileSystemObject.OpenTextFile(sProceduresFilePath, nConstForReading).ReadAll()
    End If
    Set oFileSystemObject = Nothing
    ' On Error GoTo 0

    The procedures file can be any valid VBScript.  Here is a sample.  You can include code outside of subs and functions as well as inside.  You can manage scope of variables within subs and functions by appropriately using the "Dim" statement.  You can further manage trapping errors by appropriately place the "On Error *" lines 

    ' On Error Resume Next
    sTest = "Test"
    Call subProcedure()
    oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox "", "" & sTest
    Sub subProcedure()
    	' On Error Resume Next
    	oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox "", "" & sTest
    	sTest = "subProcedure"
    	Call subProcedure2()
    	' On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub
    Sub subProcedure2()
    	' On Error Resume Next
    	Dim sTest
    	oSession.AsObject(oSession.UI).MessageBox "", "" & sTest
    	sTest = "subProcedure2"
    	' On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub
    ' On Error GoTo 0

    Final note, one benefit i really like about this approach is that you only have to recompile the scripts when making changes to the contents of the script assigned to the event.  You can make changes on the fly to the script containing the procedures without having to recompile and relaunch the task.  This is really useful when testing/debugging/developing as you don't have to recompile and relaunch the task after every change made.
