Flag for Purchase Orders in Access Query


I have multiple queries that run in sequence to give me certain fields in the PO module.  The main filter is the date created time stamp field.  I have the query filtering to show only PO's created since the last time I ran the query.  This is done through a "QueryLastRun" table and a "SetQueryLastRun" query

INSERT INTO tblQueryLastRun ( dtmQueryLastRun )
VALUES (Now());

My dilemma is if a PO is on hold (we have an "On Hold" checkbox on header) but then the checkbox is checked off a week later, the filter for the date created filters it out.  I thought about the "Date Updated" field but that field is updated anytime accounting receives/pays off a PO, so PO's that have already been included on the query results would show again.  Thinking I would need a flag to show that the PO has already been included in the query.

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