Receipt of Goods Cost Adjustment

I have received an invoice from a vendor that shows a different amount than what was recorded during the receipt of goods transaction.  My vendor invoice has the correct amount.  How can I adjust the cost of goods when I am entering the invoice so that I do not have a variance? What modules should I use?

  • 0

    IF the goods are still on hand then do a Return of Goods, update, change the price on the purchase order and then do a Receipt of Goods with Invoice.  Otherwise you will need to post the invoice, not the amount of the variance and the GL account it went to. Adjust out the items left on hand and adjust in with correct cost. Note the difference and make a GJ entry taking money out of the inventory adjustment account and putting it into the purchase order variance account.  Note how many items you may have sold and post to COGS account the amount needed to zero out the purchases variance account. That's how I would do it.

  • 0 in reply to BigLouie

    Returns won't work properly for some valuation methods (FIFO...) because you don't get to choose the cost tier.

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