Is there a way to automatically assign sales order invoice number from sales order number?

I can think of a way using VI, but it's a bit laborious. I'm sure a script could be set up to do it, but I would think there is a way within the program to set it up to just keep using the same number from Sales Order Entry in Invoice Data Entry. Probably a silly question.

Parents Reply
  • in reply to StefanouM


    Most often this kind of "can we change a core functionality of Sage 100 to make it work with my bright idea?" request is just someone trying to superficially make things "easier", while in truth their idea would do just the opposite (when drilling down into the details).

  • in reply to Kevin M

    And it sets you up 3 to 5 years to have a meeting to explain "why we ever did it this way" and "whose idea was this?". Unless you are taking transcript-like notes it's almost impossible to go back 5 years and explain the reasoning.

    This becomes a bigger issue in companies where the CFO turns over steadily and each successor implementers a slightly better way of doing things.