How to distribute landed costs to items from a shipping invoice


In receiving goods, occasionally there is one invoice for the items themselves, (paid to the vendor), and another invoice for the cost of shipping, (paid to the shipper). For the former invoice, all the items are invoiced, and in invoicing the PO, none of the items, (as I would think), would be invoiced since they were already invoiced in the vendor's invoice. However, when this is done, the costs of shipping aren't distributed to the items, since none of the items were selected as being invoiced in receiving the shipper's invoice. 

My question is how to receive invoices connected with a PO without having to invoice the items, i.e., without having to enter the number of items invoiced as being invoiced in receiving the vendor's invoice. 

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    The Landed Cost is actually calculated in Sage during a Receipt of GOODS (of course, the ROG may include an invoice number and thus be both an ROG and an ROI simultaneously).  You would need to use the Landed Cost button (top of Total tab) to include Landed Costs which are not freight charges on the PO in question.  This will debit inventory for the total of item cost plus any landed costs, then credit Purchases Clearing or AP for the total of the items and the landed account specified for the landed costs.  Then when you receive the invoice for the landed costs, you can either use the landed account (to basically wash) or another account (but on your IS it is still a wash between the two).

  • +1 in reply to bethbowers
    verified answer

    Thank you. I didn't implement this solution as such. However, it was helpful to learn that "Landed Cost is actually calculated in Sage during a Receipt of GOODS."

    What I did is did a receipt of good in which all the costs were calculated, then did a receipt of invoice for the costs for the vendor, invoicing all the items, then doing an receipt of invoice for the invoice for the shipper, NOT invoicing the items. 

  • +1 in reply to bethbowers
    verified answer

    Thank you. I didn't implement this solution as such. However, it was helpful to learn that "Landed Cost is actually calculated in Sage during a Receipt of GOODS."

    What I did is did a receipt of good in which all the costs were calculated, then did a receipt of invoice for the costs for the vendor, invoicing all the items, then doing an receipt of invoice for the invoice for the shipper, NOT invoicing the items. 

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