Automate IRP - Inventory Requirements Planning

Sage 2021.2 Advanced

IRP with PM and PO

Generate based on Plan by-Inventory / Procurement type Purchase and Selection of Warehouse Code to single warehouse

13K inventory items company wide across 7 warehouses taking 8 hours to generate before Purchasing Agent can start work.

Is there a process to automate this task to run overnight unattended?  Task Scheduler does not have IRP as option that I could find.


Located 111279 showing 01/04/2022 - "3. Start IRP generation at the close of business and let it run overnight." as current solution to Slow Response Time for IRP.

Currently looking into solutions to "run" overnight.  Manually starting on server, locking station and disconnecting from RDP is just over 12 hours of processing (without warehouse filtering) requires user to launch each night.

Quick search indicates to use a macro recording keystroke interface (since CLI has not been found) to automate launch and close after run.  This type of application requires use of TSCON to disconnect from remote session to allow processing of keystrokes blocked by "Locking" session and disconnecting.

  • Do you actually need to use IRP for all 7 warehouses or just one?

    If all, are you saying you do a generation for each warehouse separately?

    If yes, maybe it would be more efficient to generate once for all warehouses and use the Warehouse Code filter to break it up.

    I'm not aware of a process to automate it but it may be possible with either macros or if it adheres to the BOI standards for reports, then maybe it could be done using something similar to what is in this post. 

    I did a brief test with IP_InventoryReqPlanning and IP_InventoryReqPlanning_UI but couldn't get the worktable populated using IP_InventoryReqPlanning's ProcessReport even with SelectReportSetting.  IP_InventoryReqPlanning_UI's BT_Clear and BT_Generate returned error 88.

    Could always try reaching out to Scanco and see if they can provide you with the right properties to set/methods to call.

  • Do you actually need to use IRP for all 7 warehouses or just one?

    If all, are you saying you do a generation for each warehouse separately?

    If yes, maybe it would be more efficient to generate once for all warehouses and use the Warehouse Code filter to break it up.

    I'm not aware of a process to automate it but it may be possible with either macros or if it adheres to the BOI standards for reports, then maybe it could be done using something similar to what is in this post. 

    I did a brief test with IP_InventoryReqPlanning and IP_InventoryReqPlanning_UI but couldn't get the worktable populated using IP_InventoryReqPlanning's ProcessReport even with SelectReportSetting.  IP_InventoryReqPlanning_UI's BT_Clear and BT_Generate returned error 88.

    Could always try reaching out to Scanco and see if they can provide you with the right properties to set/methods to call.

  • in reply to David Speck

    Thank you for the response.  We are only interested in 1 warehouse which we populate in the GUI before your image snip and then running Generate.  Once the process completes after all day run, we have 153 items to purchase.  We did notice that when printing and choosing ALL instead of Current View, there are 244 pages of parts.  Inside of the report are items that would never be used by this warehouse.

    I will reach out to other sources as well and hopefully locate some overnight process that will crunch through the data for next morning examination.  If external search provides leads I will post back here for other IRP users.

  • in reply to Russell P

    Hello we are on v2023 and using the task scheduler IRP generation to run at night; however sometimes Hello, we are on v2023 which now allows IRP generation in task scheduler. Sometimes it works and other times it leaves a pvx task hanging on the server and it never finishes. We have to kill the task, go into DFDM and change the record from Y to N to stop executing. We have a dummy printer setup with a COM port. Is there anything else we can do?