Sales order invoice batch in use

MAS 90 v 4.3


Client had a workstation crash while in a sales order invoice entry.


The batch that the person was in now indicates that the batch is IN USE even though it is not.  Can't access the batch to update it because of this.    Obvious answer is the a flag on the batch did not get reset.    After much hunting I found the batch control record in of all places - GL!  GL_CompanyActiveBatch.m4t 


Looking at the record in question, although there is a field for batch status,  it is blank for all batches in the file whether in use or not.    Apparently this field is not used anymore?


In any event,  I can't figure out how the batch is flagged as in use unless its based upon a windows level record lock,  in which case a reboot of the server will probably resolve it  (have advised the client to do so at the next opportunity).


Or possibly it has something to do with files in the LOCK directory.


Anyone have any insights on this?

  • Thanks. At the end of the day, I was able to rename the lock file with a BAK extension. Then, when I went into Daily Sales Reports/Updates to reset the status on that batch, I found that I didn't need to. It was already marked as Available and was enabled to be selected.

  • Thanks. At the end of the day, I was able to rename the lock file with a BAK extension. Then, when I went into Daily Sales Reports/Updates to reset the status on that batch, I found that I didn't need to. It was already marked as Available and was enabled to be selected.

  • in reply to RoadRacer

    I know this is old, but I am just putting a note here for future benefit of others.  Sometimes these errors occur as a result of a crash on the comptuer that was processing the batch.  When this happens, there may be a task open that you would see in Master Console that is associated with the register that in Print/Update status.  This process might have to be terminated in Master Console to release the LOCK file.  That happened to me today and killing the task after confirming the user was fully logged out solved the problem and got rid of the lock file.  Prior to that, the LOCK file was in use and could not be moved or renamed.