Pick Sheet Printing from Sales Orders View Explorer

Hi all,

Exactly like the title says, in order to streamline our operation, we wish to print pick sheets directly from the Explorer view (possibly with one click). 

One way to do this is right clicking on the order on the explorer view, choose tasks and click on Enter Sales Orders. From there it opens up the Sales Order Entry window with that selected order and just as usual, we can print it from there.

We want to decrease the number of clicks we need to do. 

What I noticed; When we click on the toolbar section in the explorer view, an option to select Pick Sheet comes up. We select this and we get a small but empty toolbar. I think we are in the right direction. But I cannot find a button to add to this toolbar. Where is this print pick sheet button hiding? Or is there even one available? If there isnt one available, what is the purpose of having a tiny toolbar with the title Pick Sheet? 

Thank you in advance.