avg cost correction


Good Morning,

On Sage 100 and our company has 4 warehouses and uses average cost for inventory value. One item in one warehouse has a - average cost.  What is the best way to correct?  Looks like a sales transaction for a few months ago caused it.   


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    This is the single greatest mistake in Sage 100. Ever since the days of Euclid of Alexandria in 350 BC whose  most famous work is his treatise on geometry, "The Elements".  To get a negative you multiply a negative times a positive but not in the Sage universe. Nope if a quantity goes negative the system gives you a negative cost, which breaks ever law of math but who cares if Newton is spinning in his grave, not to mention Einstein.  Simply put you should never have a negative cost.

  • 0

    This is the single greatest mistake in Sage 100. Ever since the days of Euclid of Alexandria in 350 BC whose  most famous work is his treatise on geometry, "The Elements".  To get a negative you multiply a negative times a positive but not in the Sage universe. Nope if a quantity goes negative the system gives you a negative cost, which breaks ever law of math but who cares if Newton is spinning in his grave, not to mention Einstein.  Simply put you should never have a negative cost.
