Manual Freight Entry

I am trying to create a manual shipping rate that will invoice the amount that I manually enter.

Every time I enter the freight amount in sales order then invoice the order, MAS sets the freight amount back to zero.

I know that I can add it in the lines, but I am trying to get it to work without resorting to that method.

Any ideas?

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    Working as designed Nathan.  I think the logic is that when you invoice there is no way to know if the entire sales order is being shipped as ordered so the freight is dropped.

    One thing you might try is creating a UDF to hold the freight amount and then have a script that writes the UDF amount to the freight field but not sure what event would be best to attach the script to.

    Hey did you race your car around Texas World Speedway on the last day like the rest of your staff?

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    Working as designed Nathan.  I think the logic is that when you invoice there is no way to know if the entire sales order is being shipped as ordered so the freight is dropped.

    One thing you might try is creating a UDF to hold the freight amount and then have a script that writes the UDF amount to the freight field but not sure what event would be best to attach the script to.

    Hey did you race your car around Texas World Speedway on the last day like the rest of your staff?

  • 0 in reply to BigLouie

    Thanks Louis. I deployed a quick fix last night that added the freight to the lines. Seems to be working so far, plus only a fraction of our orders are charged freight anyway.

    Thanks for the reply, but I am going to let it run like this for a while to see how it works for us.

    No racing for me! My daughter had a softball tournament this weekend so I was unable to make it.