• Expanded Price Levels (DSD IMXL)

    I have an end user that is considering DSD's Expanded Price Levels enhancement. I am a little nervous adding an enhancement that will have such a large impact on Sage 100. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this enhancement. If so, are you…
  • Price level bug?

    I don't know if anyone experienced this: I setup a price code for our product. with price level 1 being the heaviest discount, level 2 being the lesser discount and so forth. i applied the price code to our product lines. however i notice in the price…
  • Price Code/Level , Pricing setup ?

    was wondering if anyone would know how to resolve our issue. We have pricing specific to Customers. We have a Standard Price each Customer can have a different price schedule say it either 2, 4 or 6% discount, some may even have a price increase from…