YTD only data for Income Statement and balance Sheet - tree with 60+ companies

I have a customer that we are converting from MAS90 ver 4.3 Frx to Sage 100 ver 2017 SI.

Their old Frx reports ran in a matter of minutes.

The SI reports for P&L with 64 companies in the tree take only 9 min on my stand alone system with their data.

However, this same report takes 40 min on their server and we stopped it after 2 hours on the workstation.

Both machines only have 8gb of memory and we are looking to increase that.

In the meantime, is there a way, if I create a parameter to select the month and year to only pull YTD data?

no drill down needed for Income Statement and Balance Sheets.

The Trial Balance for all companies will need to be detail data YTD for drill down purposes.

Any other suggestions besides the memory increase for speeding up the processing time?

As always, thanks in advance for your assistance.

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    Increasing the RAM will help a great deal. I had a report that took 30 mins to run on 8GB when I upgraded the RAN to 32GB took 2 mins.

    How much RAM do you have on your stand alone?

    What version of Excel do they have and is it x32 or x64?

    You can add a filter to the Opening Balances, Actuals & Budgets Sub Reports to pull the current and Prior Fiscal Year from the GL.Options file.

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    Increasing the RAM will help a great deal. I had a report that took 30 mins to run on 8GB when I upgraded the RAN to 32GB took 2 mins.

    How much RAM do you have on your stand alone?

    What version of Excel do they have and is it x32 or x64?

    You can add a filter to the Opening Balances, Actuals & Budgets Sub Reports to pull the current and Prior Fiscal Year from the GL.Options file.
