Is Excel 2019 Perpetual License Supported with Sage Intelligence (Sage 100 v2020)


We would like to install Excel 2019 perpetual license so Sage Intelligence can be run, however, the Sage Compatibility Matrix lists Excel 2010, 2013, 2016 or o365 Desktop as compatible with Sage Intelligence for Sage 100 version 2020 (6.2).  Excel 2019 is not listed.

Microsoft has two versions of Office--"perpetual license", and Office 365.

Microsoft doesn't *say* what version is on O365 compared to the perpetual license, because they silently and continually roll forward to the latest version.  SO, when it came out, it was equivalent to Office 2010.  Over the years, as new perpetual license versions were released, the Office 365 versions of the desktop programs were updated to the equivalent latest Office version provided with the perpetual license, EXCEPT they continually change the features in the O365 version--adding AND removing features.  This doesn't happen with the perpetual version.

Consequently, the latest version of any desktop program--including Excel--should be expected to be the same as in all versions of Office 2019.  Microsoft is silent on the topic, except for the commitment to having the latest.

Sage explicitly states that it supports Office 2010, 2013, and 2016, and Office 365 but do NOT explicitly mention Office 2019.  However, it IS the latest supported version from Microsoft.

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