ODBC Driver for Excel returning NULL values for alphanumeric item codes


why is the container importing my excel file with blank (NULL) values for items with alpha numeric labels? additionally the columns have switched order?

Excel Output                                       Connector Module Sample Run                         Original Excel FIle Import

  • 0

    Sounds like maybe somewhere, the item code column's data type is being automatically assumed to be numeric based on the first x number of rows and it is thinking the alphanumeric values are failing the numeric check and replacing it with null. 

    May need to poke around and see if you can specify the data type somewhere.

    Another thing to consider, are you using any outer joins to another table that may not have the alphanumeric values thus returning columns from one table but not the other where a match is not found?

  • 0 in reply to David Speck

    I am not using outer joins. I tried every data type in the properties tab and received the NULL return every time:

  • 0 in reply to wtcrockett

    Hi, I can't replicate what your screen shots are depicting. This is a Sage Intelligence connector? How is the connector set up? Excel ODBC?

  • 0 in reply to jcnichols

    Is the workbook's column type set to Text?

    What happens if you throw an alphanumeric value as the first data row (row two) in the workbook?

    EDIT: These questions were meant for  to rule out the possibility that he might have the column in workbook set up as a number with zero decimal places and left justification. It might appear correct in the workbook but when SI is reading it, it might be respecting the data type assigned to the column.

  • 0 in reply to jcnichols

    Is the workbook's column type set to Text?

    What happens if you throw an alphanumeric value as the first data row (row two) in the workbook?

    EDIT: These questions were meant for  to rule out the possibility that he might have the column in workbook set up as a number with zero decimal places and left justification. It might appear correct in the workbook but when SI is reading it, it might be respecting the data type assigned to the column.
