Add UDF for Brand of Item in Inventory Management

Is there a way to add a UDF in Item Maintenance so we can keep track of the brands of our items? I saw in another link that it should be done through CI Item Master, but there's no specifics after that.  Thanks!  

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    There are classes you can take on SageU that can walk you through the basics of creating UDFs and adding them to panels - like Item Maintenance. This is also something your Sage Business Partner can easily do for you. I am of a mindset, as I think many are, where I am happy either creating UDFs or teaching our clients how to create them.

    There are also 4 built-in "UDFs" in Inventory Maintenance. They are called Categories (1-4) and you could call one of them "Brands", if you like.

    For consistency, however, probably a UDF with a pull down list would be best - depending on how many brands you have.

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    We added a UDF for Brand in Product Line Maintenance