I'm trying to use
if instr({Sheet1_.Restrict},{CI_Item.UDF_BRAND}) > 0
Sheet1_.Restrict is excel cell with this exactly ["Smith's Sharpeners","Arkansas Sharpeners"]
{CI_Item.UDF_BRAND} is over 850 brands
The problem is its returning Smiths Sharpeners & Arkansas Sharpeners and Sharpeners Brands
I need it to only return Smiths Sharpeners & Arkansas Sharpeners and NOT Sharpeners
Sheet1_Restrict is an excel sheet with all our customers and the Brands they can't buy. I have a quantity report and I want to customize it for our top customers and exclude the brands they cant purchase.
So Im trying to use a excel document with a partial formula and have Crystal use it in its formula. It works part of the time.
I've also tried the Select Expert not ({CI_Item.UDF_BRAND} like {Sheet1_.Restrict}) but that didn't work either.