Add Price Lookup results to Sales Order form

While in a Sales Order line, selecting the Price Lookup option from drop down, produces the correct match for this item, this customer.

Is it possible to capture that data and print it on the Sales Order form?

I want to get all the columns for Quantity Breaks, & Discount Markup fields not just the results for this line this item.

As always thank you in advance for your assistance.

  • 0
    Is it possible? Yes. Easy? No.
    Customize the form (new form code) using Crystal Reports, adding a sub-report for each line. Pass down the appropriate parameters and format the sub-report to show what you want, when something is found in the pricing table. With all the combinations though (price levels, customer pricing, overrides, markups, discounts...) it would be an extremely difficult report to get working properly. You may even need a set of sub-reports to cover all possibilities.
  • 0 in reply to Kevin M
    That's pretty much what I thought. I was hoping I was missing something simpler. Thanks